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Fall Colours Ride

Discussion in 'Other Motorcycles' started by Simmy, Oct 11, 2020.

  1. Simmy

    Simmy Well-Known Member

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    Waterloo Ontario Canada
    I did 600 kms of superslab and 400+ kms back road & snowmobile/ATV trails yesterday.
    6:30 AM to 10 PM last night.
    I have a close group of friends I've been riding with for decades, we all have other bikes but we all have a KLR.
    No one has more hp or better brakes, easier to ride as a group.
    I can count 3 more guys who opted out for some crazy reason, I couldn't think of any.
    KLRs 2020 10 11.JPG
    cgutz, Rusty81, Rooster53 and 2 others like this.
  2. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    The City of Seven Hills
    My friend would have loved that. Next weekend a similar ride is on my agenda. Not so many miles, but as many colors.
  3. kosel

    kosel Active Member Premium Member

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    MInneapolis, MN
    121300880_10224447555640722_8657253339769468332_o.jpg 121303134_10224447577361265_4411047678732329055_o.jpg Did about 150 miles with several friends on Saturday along the St Croix River. Such a beautiful day, we got stuck in traffic waiting at a river crossing.
    cgutz and Franz like this.
  4. Simmy

    Simmy Well-Known Member

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    Waterloo Ontario Canada
    It approached nearly 20C this weekend so I had to get one more ride in, this time on the dirt bikes.
    We did about 65 kms of technical single track before my quadriceps finally said no more.
    I'm 59 and only the median age here, youngest at 51, oldest is my brother at 66.
    I got to hand it to him, he broke his neck only 18 months ago in a bad crash on his KLR, spent 4 months in a neck brace and sleeping in a chair. We're not slowing down yet.
    Ganaraska Oct 2020.jpg
    kosel, Huntchuks and k-moe like this.

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