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Why do you own your XJ

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Hired_Goon, May 8, 2006.

  1. Hired_Goon

    Hired_Goon Member

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    As the title says, Im interested in comments as to why we all choose to own an XJ. It's a topic that has probably ran through most of your minds as that last hard to reach bolt breaks off on Saturday night before the planned Sunday ride. :lol:

    Given that the age of an most XJ's makes parts difficult to locate and sometimes expensive, I often wonder if all the money spent on them wouldn't have bought a newer and less maintenance bike.

    Money is the main issue I see as one of the most common comments in any thread goes something like....... $33, anyone know where I can get cheaper ones?

    Is the reason sentimental?
    All you could afford at the time and now stuck with it.
    Handed down from your great grandfather?
    Just like a simple bike coz I love tinkering.

    My reason is purely sentimental as I owned an XJ550 in my youth and regretted ever selling it. This ones a keeper although I plan to add a few more different bikes to the stable but the XJ will be buried with me. :wink:

    Of course the tinkering is a welcome side affect as well. 8)

    I look forward to a few comments.

  2. viper7016

    viper7016 Member

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    Toledo, Ohio
    I'm 21 and this is my first street bike. I've had it for about a month. My uncle gave it to me for replacing the water pump and timing belt in his car. So far I have taken apart the carbs and cleaned them so it would run. Then I repaired the damaged and leaking gas tank. I also replaced the brake fluid and gave it an oil change. I have ridden it about 350miles and I love it. It needs new tires and other little stuff but it will get there. I like the older style and how comfortable it is to ride. I'm sure I'll have it for many years.
  3. jeff-ski

    jeff-ski Member

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    michigan western U.P.
    I was 16 in '83, and had a car already and a couple motoX bikes..But I needed (or was it wanted) a cool but practical street bike.
    Both Yamaha and Honda had re-thought their engine design and the midnite maxim and the Nighthawk were quite similar during these years. I remember needing my dad to go to the dealer w/ me for them to allow them to take either bike for a test hop.. oh how I loved them both. To shorten the long decision process story, I struck a sweet deal with greenbacks on the brand spankin' new Nitehawk. So the story goes Wife, kids, mortgages, time, gravel roads...and I sold it :( ...vowing to own one again someday. I bought a new enduro to keep my chops up...I'm not dead ya know!
    So a Neighbor down the road asks to use my garage to clean an old bike he had sitting outside his barn for 7 or so years. And he pushes over an 83 750maxim. So with the very minimum, He got it to run for that summer. I told him that I have a bit of a fancy for that particular bike and asked for first dibs if he ever wanted to sell it. He nodded his ungrateful head a rode away.
    As fall came around he was layed off from work and needed money for beer and asked if I was still interested....$400 and she was in my nice dry warm garage that night.
    All winter "xJ-lo" recieved a body-off restoration; Valves, tires, brakes, gaskets, seat cover, tank paint, exaust..etc and she rides as close to what I can remember in the day.

    Ya ya ya it's a sappy story I know. but it shows how we revert to our younger days whether we know it or not.

    Makes me think now...I had three girlfriends at 16 too! 8)

    Jeff-ski out .
  4. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    Ventura CA
    I was looking for something bigger that my lack-luster Suzuki GS550T (that blasted bench seat was murder on the butt, should have gotten an L model) and happend to notice an add. "Parts only, doesn't run $125". Being fairly excited about my recent success in reassembling an '86 XT125 I picked up for $35 (he said it wouldn't go any faster than 80 on the freeway at wide open throttle, Doh!) and built in my apartment bedroom (I was very careful, didn't make any mess. Hope my former landlord, Mr. Moore, isn't a fan, he'd hit the roof if he ever found out). Anyway, I pop on over to this fellows house in San Diego and he shows me "Sheila". Turns out he dropped it at about 35mph a few weeks earlier and had replaced the handle bars that got bent. I pulled the carbs and looked them over. Clean and happy. I then checked out the handle bars and found he had pinched the kill switch wire. He was kicking himself, but he was a good sport about it. He had already bought a new Phaser and was ready to let the old girl go. I got some new tires the next day and it has been love ever since. This all occured in '88 and I still love to ride my baby, most docile and good natured handling I have ever experienced in my life.
  5. brenton

    brenton Member

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    hey goon , i got my cause it was cheap and the stats on it said it made 70hp new so i was interested, went all the way up to newcastle to get it, i got it for $680 with 3months rego on it :lol:
    i stripped it down and made it look custom and ive loved riding it around.
    i just put it in for a rejet and sync
    cant wait to get it back :)

    it also corners suprisingly well, went down the coast and with me goin hard through the corners i could keep up with my old man and mate goin about 70% on there bikes (125 cagivca mito, corner machine and a tl100)

    i suprised both of them :twisted:
  6. woolsac

    woolsac Member

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    Sparta, NJ
    It is my first motorcycle, so there was a few reasons for purchasing a XJ:
    (a) I wanted a cheap bike to start on and this one had about 7K on it going for $1300. It was almost a no brainer for me.
    (b) Obviously, it is not a new bike, so I dont have to worry to much about getting a "scratch" on it.
    (c) I heard many vetran bikers say to choose a bike that is not too powerful to start off on and one you wont grow out of too fast. My 750, I think, is a good way to go.
    (d) Want to be comfortable and yet have an aggressive feel, but not too aggressive like a crotch rocket. The 750RJ provides me with the comfortable standard seat.

    I can't express how much fun this bike has been so far and I see myself holding on to it for quite some time! :D

  7. Joel07

    Joel07 Member

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    Durham, NC, USA
    Well, my primary reason was price. I can't afford to be buying anything new, and I happened to find this one for cheap. Also, when I first started looking at getting a bike I went to a lot of bike shops and sat on various bikes. I did want a sportbike, at least until I sat on some of them. I just couldn't imagine myself being comfortable for long periods of time. The more I looked around on the net, and on ebay, I decided that the '80's Jap bikes fit me better than anything else (my dream bike is still a GS1100E). So, when a friend of mine told me he had a Midnight Maxim in his garage, I went and checked it out. I had never even known what a Maxim was until I got this one! :D

    I also wanted one cheap so I could take it apart and rebuild it, mainly to get experience working on bikes. I've worked on cars for a long time, but have zero experience on motorcycles. So far it's been a nice change of pace, and I haven't done much with the cars for the past 6 months or so. Since I got the first Maxim, I've also gotten 4 more Yamaha's (all for cheap or free). Another '81 XJ650, an XS850, a Venture 1200, and my most recent aquisition, an XS650.
  8. dcmilkwagon

    dcmilkwagon Member

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    Hancock, Iowa
    The reason why I bought my Seca is a litttle different than the rest of the reasons listed here. I wanted a way to lower the cost of my commute to work each day (30 miles one way). I used to own a CB750K when I was 20, so that is what I was looking for on e-bay. At that time all of the CB750's listed where going too high for me on the bids. I decided that if I could buy a parts bike cheap enough, and part it out, I might be able to afford to buy a decent bike. I ended up buying my XJ750RH for $365 with the intent of parting it out on e-bay. But the bike looked so good, and was so comfortable to sit on I decided to rebuild it instead. I've always liked the style of the 70's and 80's metric cruisers. I'm also getting too old to be bent over the top of the fuel tank of most of the modern bikes.

    I finally have it in ridable condition, it still needs a little bit of work (fuse box, mufflers, etc.). The first test ride I took on it was awesome. Even before I completed the carb work on it I knew that this bike was not like the 750 Honda that I used to own, it was alot better. The Seca felt alot lighter, and more nimble than I remember the Honda feeling. Granted, it has been 20-some years since my last bike, but I don't remember my Honda having the acceleration that this Seca has.

    So I have decided to keep the Seca, I just hope I can get it titled and on the road soon. The road here in front of my house is getting worn out from all of my "test" rides. :lol:
  9. geebake

    geebake Member

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    Audubon, NJ
    Like many others, I got my XJ because it was cheap. How often can you find a bike with 3000 original miles for $900? It was my first bike for 20 years and I've really fallen in love with it.

    With that being said, I regularly ask myself why I keep it. I have an '82 Goldwing that I ride almost all the time. The Seca is just too hard on me on the highway. I've really gotten spoiled by the fairing on the Wing.

    I find that as much as I love the Seca, it doesn't really fit my riding needs very well. It's great for short hops around town, but I don't really take many rides like that. Almost all of my riding involves highway miles and I just can't take the wind.

    Of course, I still love this bike. I don't mean to denegrate it. I really prefer older 'standards'. I have no interest in the crotch rocket riding position, nor do I like the Harleyesque cruiser position. I like sitting upright.

    I've been researching new bikes for some time and am now pretty serious about a Suzuki V-Strom. It seems to be to be very much like a modern version of the Seca with a fairing. Not many bikes in that class. If I can figure out a way to get one, it will be a difficult decision as far as what to do with the Seca. It would be hard for me to sell it, but I suspect it would see very little time on the road.

  10. schmidtap

    schmidtap Member

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    Ft Stewart, GA
    Lets see here, why do I own an XJ

    1. Wanted a motorcycle to ride instead of always driving the truck
    2. The price was right
    3. An uncle was getting rid of it for his new bike
  11. schmidtap

    schmidtap Member

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    Ft Stewart, GA
    Lets see here, why do I own an XJ

    1. Wanted a motorcycle to ride instead of always driving the truck
    2. The price was right
    3. An uncle was getting rid of it for his new bike
  12. Jazzmoose

    Jazzmoose Member

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    Pineville, LA
    1. I wanted a cheap bike until I found out if it was really for me.
    2. I wanted a cheap bike in case I dumped it early on.
    3. All I could afford was a cheap bike.
    4. Did I mention that I was cheap?

    Okay, wait; those are reasons I bought an XJ, but now, even if I were to get a newer bike (which I plan on doing at some point), I'm keeping the XJ. Why? Well, it already has that magical "first bike" feel to me, and with the guys that I've met on this board, well...I can't imagine a better introduction to bikes than an XJ. Maybe I'll give it up at some point, like if my granson wants a bike when he's old enough. Hopefully his father's "Harley fever" won't be passed on...
  13. woot

    woot Active Member

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    <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=44.777479+-
    I was shopping for a bike... at a party the topic came up and I said I was looking for a ninja 500. At the time there was a mechanics special for $300 and I was thinking about buying it and repairing it - cheap bike right?

    The host of the party heard only one word - ninja - and immediately put me on the phone with a friend of her's husband. He had two bikes and didn't have enough room for both of them. I went to see it and it was sparkling. He wanted $800 for it and I didn't even bother haggling, he was practically giving it away. He called the next day to say, I forgot, I have a spare engine, hard bags, full fairing and some other odds and ends - same price.

    So I brought the bike... took it home in dad's truck as I didn't have the paperwork done and he wanted the space. I've since put many many miles on it. It has been a very good bike, comfortable and certainly enough power for what I needed.

    I do plan on getting another bike... and that might mean I'd have to sell this one as I don't have much room either. I do know a few people deserving of this bike and if I do sell it - then it will go to someone that needs it and will love it. It is a rock steady bike and I'd be a fool to sell it...

    While owning the bike I have brought and sold a ninja 600... I did enjoy that bike but it just wasn't the right bike for me in the mental stage of life I was in... I thought I was responsible enough for that bike but I certainly had a few more years of growing to do!

    Right now - I'm not looking for more horsepower - I'm looking for a highway long distance bike that will handle twisties... something like an older vfr or the new 650 ninja.

  14. Oblivion

    Oblivion Active Member

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    Northeast Illinois
    I was interested in buying a bike. Neighbor (original owner) was interested in selling a bike. Match made in heaven.

    Mine was garage kept, spotless, with the Vetter fairing, sissy bar/luggage rack, 11,500 miles, and a parts '83 for $1000 back in 1995.

    The fairing was a little more '70s than I wanted at the time, but I eventually grew to appreciate it (350 mile road trip, rain, winter, etc.) It's great to have a place to stash stuff, too. The bike style was really what I was after - a street bike, not a crotch rocket. And I figured 750 was a decent amount of power without getting me into too much trouble.

    I STILL have it because I can't bring myself to get rid of it. Riding it, even after a few years off, feels like dancing with my wife - it's familiar, comfortable, and yet is still as exciting as when I was a young man.
  15. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    Ventura CA
    Oblivion, your response is so heartfelt, I never thought of it in those words. I'm going to have to try those lines on my wife, she is a hopeless romatic. You ought to be a columnist.
  16. Oblivion

    Oblivion Active Member

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    Northeast Illinois
    My dad would disown me if I bacame a Communist. But thanks. :D
  17. BlueMaxim

    BlueMaxim Active Member

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    Central Mississippi
    I bought my First Xj new in Jaunary of '83. It was an '82 Seca. Yamaha red and I polished it all the time. I bought it because I first saw one out in front of Graceland and wondered what it was. I found one in a cycle magazine and went to the dealer to check it out. I saved my money and sold my camera equipment and it was mine. Most beautiful bike I had ever seen and the fastest production 750 to boot. I put over 30K miles on it and one week before I married it was taken out by a drunk driver. I went without a bike for a while and after leaving Memphis and moving to Mississippi I bought a 750 Maxim because it was the same engine and I know how reliable it was. I put over 60K miles on this one and then after coming back from a rally had the tranny lock up. So I stored it in the garage for 4 years.
    Then after a race project died I came to myself and wondered, why? If I can build this race truck and pull engines and trannies why is my bike gathering dust & rust? So I pulled it out bought another engine for $300 and swapped it out. Pulled the bike almost completely apart and polished and cleaned and repainted what was needed. Made some new parts and customized the rest. Rebuilt damn near every other part and fought the long hard battle with the carbs after rejoining the XJ mailing list.
    Decided on a paint scheme and found an airbrush artist to do it. Let the local hot rod guru do the paint prep in basic black then let the airbrusher go at it. The guru finished with clear coat and now I can't give it up. Too much of myself in it. More pride than I would have attained by winning a race in that truck.
  18. Jazzmoose

    Jazzmoose Member

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    Pineville, LA
    My dad said he'd disown me if I ever got a motorcycle. But as his fourth wife is twenty years younger than he is, what the hell... :lol:
  19. RobsTV

    RobsTV Member

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    Tampa area
    Was in storage unit for 10 years, and owner was going to lose all if I didn't buy the "original owner, 20,000 mile" XJ for $200. Only needed carbs rebuilt ($60), a battery, and some free tires. Then........ Upgrades........!!!!!

    (and he lost all in storage anyway, 3 months later, for not paying his new bill).
  20. Foximus

    Foximus Member

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    Well I started looking for a bike when gas prices went up and I dont want to drive around my lifted jeep for nothin.. But I love V engines. Looked at honda shadows and magnas for a long time... But the deal was right and i picked up my maxim 750 for $450 four days ago this was at least...

    Painted the frame, brackets, pedals, new clutch cable, and new wiring harness starts tommarow.

    Yea and my parentals still dont know... Im hiding it behind the shed at my house, so I just hope my dad doesnt visit me and follow the trail of exhaust and sissy bar bracketry leading to the crime scene.
  21. faighaigh

    faighaigh Member

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    Malaga . Spain
    Steady on Robert think about it! If your wife is anything like mine ie female, she will immediatly suspect your up to something.

    Why the XJ? I was looking for a street bike on ebay, decent well cared for S/H bikes here in Spain are rare and expensive. Saw pictures of the XJ and liked it, spoke to the bloke selling her and paid out. Had her transported over here to Spain and have been trying to get her right ever since, I hope to be able to get out on her soon.

  22. Ian.k

    Ian.k Member

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    Saskatoon, Sk, Canada
    awww Oblivion's in love...

    Hmm Well when I was 18 years old(and knew pretty much nothing about bikes) the stock 650 midnight maxim for sale in the paper was quite possibly the most beautiful thing i had ever seen. I still remember the squinty eyed(didnt bring eye protection) euphoric expression on my face when i drove it home and hit the freeway putting the bike up to 100km/h for the first time.

    Now, a little older and a little wiser, I realize the stock look is kinda ugly in comparison to what else is out there. those goofy deer antler handlebars the HUGE seat, and those sinfully ugly trumpet tips on the exhaust. Which brings me to my next point. Because it's so simple and straightforward, the bike is a joy to modify. Everythign fits. and everything unnessacary comes off with little effort.

    And also: shaft drive! there is nothing like a virtually maintinence free rear end. aside from it's limited range of motion, it's only weakness, the enclosed drive is one of the best(if not the best)part on the xj model. this i feel sorry for all the 550's that dont get to experience this superior piece of craftsmanship.

    there you go, the definitive guid to why you should own a maxim, simply cut and paste what everone else said here:
  23. Khalnath

    Khalnath New Member

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    I wanted to get something inexpensive and unfaired for my first bike. Good thing too, because I laid it down in some gravel the day I got my full license. :)

    Top speed's a little low for me, so I'll be replacing it when I can muster up the money, but it's been a great machine for learning to ride.
  24. Fraps

    Fraps Member

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    Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
    I traded mine for an old guitar I payed $30 for. The guy I bought the bike off traded it for 4 packs of cigarettes. It had sat for years and the owners just wanted to get rid of it.
  25. Oblivion

    Oblivion Active Member

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    Northeast Illinois
    Huh? My '81 Seca has YICS. . . .
  26. Fraps

    Fraps Member

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    Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
    Yep - no YICS on the 82 silver seca. The 82 red seca has it though.
  27. Oblivion

    Oblivion Active Member

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    Northeast Illinois
    I learned something new which I'll soon forget today.
  28. furyus

    furyus Member

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    Northern Virginia
    I traded a RD400 in on a brand new 650 Maxim in 1980...put 60,000 on it, including a solo trip from South Carolina to California. In California, I traded the Maxim for a leftover 650 Seca in 1983, and put 115,000 miles on her.

    Fast forward to April of this year, when I found a nice 650 Seca available (not so many here on the east coast as there are out west) and plunked down my hard earned cash. I just have such good memories of my old Seca, I had to have another one.

    Tell you how XJ-sick I am...I am obsessed with my new Seca, and don't even think about my '05 Ducati S2R, other than I wish someone would step up and buy it. The Duc is vastly superior, yet my heart gets all fluttery around the Seca.

  29. caryweaver

    caryweaver Member

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    Memphis, TN
    I was itching for a new bike, since it had been two years since I was forced to sell my '03 shadow sabre 1100, for financial reasons...

    I bought my bike from a guy who had lost his job and needed the money... (Had 4 little girls at home) So I probably paid too much, feeling bad for the guy...

    It's an '82 Maxim 550 in great shape, runs awesome... Paid $1200 a month ago...
  30. jimw

    jimw Member

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    Ottawa, ON
    I had been restoring a Triumph TR3a for 8 years and every spring was sad because it would be another season of no top-down driving.
    Meanwhile I had been lusting after a Royal Enfield. Cool, British, you can still buy new ones made in India - even went to a dealer once to have a look, but didn't have my bike license so couldn't test drive. I liked the idea of a largish one cylinder thumper for some reason.
    Last spring, I had re-connected with my high school sweetheart (another story but wow it's great) and it turned out she was quite interested in getting her bike license. I showed her the Royal Enfield and it really appealed to her too.
    So I started thinking I should bite the bullet (no pun intended). Went to a local guy who has a few hundred old bikes stashed away, and had a chat. He told me that even the new Royal Enfields were unreliable, just like the old ones. So I forced myself to admit that I have enough work in front of me with an old British car, and broke down and decided I would get myself something reliable instead. I got as far as looking in his hidden bike yard with him, when I became very undecided (overwhelmed with the selection). My indecisiveness annnoyed him supremely - he told me he had no actual need to sell a bike and was not interested in educating me about them - so I left.
    Now, of the Japanese bikes I prefer Yamaha because
    a) Suzuki and Kawasaki in my mind represent noisy 2 strokes (OK I'm an old guy), and
    b) Hondas are just tooo smooooth and perfect; I still wanted something at least slightly different.
    After checking into insurance, I found that there was a big jump after 700 cc. I didn't think I wanted too big a bike anyway, being a new rider.
    So I started poking around on the net. Found an 83 XJ650 with 21,000 kms on it, and spontaneously went and bought it.
    It needed a few small things to pass the safety check, so I did them, and then had the tank and side panels changed from red to the British Racing Green I had selected for my Triumph. This way I could confirm that I really am happy with the colour for the car, before it got painted.
    I happened to be going by the guy who has the yard full, and stopped and told him I had finally bought a bike. "About f***ing time", he said. I said it was an XJ650 and he became quite sociable and told me that I had picked a really good and reliable bike.
    Here in Ontario we have three levels of license so I went off and did the written test that got me my beginner's license last June or so. Drove the bike last summer, and with my sweetie took the safety course that gets you to the second level of license in the fall. We had a blast, and learned lots of good tips. She wants a Vespa (lives in the city).
    Since then, I have changed the tank to one from a 750 for more range, and changed the exhaust to one that fit better and looks cooler.
    How's that for a story?
    PS the Triumph is still in the bodyshop.......but it is progressing, ever so little, bit by bit.....
  31. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    Ventura CA
    Jim, I cut my restoration teeth on a 52 TR3. Neat little cars. Do things modern cars can't (and at a much higher price too!). Glad to hear of your happiness, I hope it turns out long term.
  32. Ringbat_XJ700

    Ringbat_XJ700 New Member

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    My first XJ was a spankin new 1985 Maxim bought in spring of 87. The dealer had a few still in the crate and bought it for $1999.00. It was an OK price at the time but I loved the bike because I thought it looked pretty cool and I like the inline 4 power.

    Drove it for about 3 years, put on about 15K miles and sold it cause I need a car.

    My second XJ is the same as the first. Since I sold my first one I have always wanted another just like it. A friend of mine had one sitting out in his shed for the last 9 years and I talked him into seling it to me. I picked it up for cheap and didn't take alot of money to get on the road (alot of time& effort).

    I just love the ergonomics, power & style of the bike.
  33. Mike

    Mike New Member

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    Kankakee, IL
    I bought mine because it was cheap and I really wanted to get back into riding again. Had about a 15 year lay off since my last street bike-a 85 Suzuki GS700E-loved that bike-wish I still had it. Found my Midnight Max in the paper for $950 and my wife gave in. I hate to put this out there-but I really want a Harley..Someday perhaps..
  34. Injuhneer

    Injuhneer Member

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    SE Arizona
    My first XJ was a Seca 550. It was a high school graduation gift from my grandfather. The second was a Seca Turbo and the third a Seca Turbo.

    There were other bikes in between (Honda, Kawasaki, Vespa, etc). But I like the XJs. The designs are straightforward and the engine fantastic.
  35. Aschulhoff

    Aschulhoff Member

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    Richmond, Va
    I got my 1982 maxim xj550 last summer and have only ridden a few times, i never know when if it will start again after i turn it off so i have only taken it for short drives around i cant use it for much else until i figure out what’s wrong with it. but i think i have an idea now. I posted a thread asking for help...

    Anyway, I always wanted a bike and could never afford one, but a friend of mine from work said he wanted was selling his and I made a joking offer of 400 dollars cause it was all i had. I was shocked when he said ok. So i went and looked at it... I was amazed, its beautiful, no rust no dings perfectly polished and always garage kept, it had only a few thousand miles on it. But the hitch was that it didn't start...
    I called my dad and told him the deal dropped in my lap and he came right out to look at it. After a few min dad had the solenoid out and pulled it apart, cleaned out the corrosion and put it back in the bike... it started right up. I told my friend "well now that its a working bike, how much do you want to sell it for assuming you still want to?" with out delay he said "400, sure it runs now but 5 min ago i would have sold it as a non-running bike you might have bought it and had your dad get it running just the same" So i bought it and my dad rode it back to the house.

    a week later i built a crapy shed behind my house to park it in, i got some mirrors, lights, and break/clutch leavers off e-bay just cause i was really excited about it and wanted to do something with it :p . I also put a new battery in it and took it out a few times with my dad. then it got cold and the bike wouldn’t start anymore. So i looked for help thinking something was wrong and found that there just cold natured bikes and don’t want to start in the cold... I did get it started a few times but never took it out to far cause it would die off and not start back up without a jump...

    now summer time is back around and I cant wait to drive it as a regular means of transporting... just have to find out why it wont hold a charge so i can get it fixed up and ride without having to worry about where i will end up stranded. hahaha
  36. samtidor

    samtidor Member

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    Spotucky, WA
    Spent a few months looking at new bikes such as the Suzuki VStrom 650, Suzuki M50, and the Yamaha FZ6. As a responsible consumer I can't believe I almost fell into the "buy new" hype that seems to be so pervasive in today's society (though I will admit that the new Kawasaki F750S is still rather tempting... no no no no... STOP! But I digress...

    Rather than put 20% down on a new bike, I used that $ and purchased an 85 XJ700 Maxim outright. The bike was in such good condition some of my friends (who are not bike nuts) thought it was new!

    The previous owner just had the bike in the shop to have the carbs cleaned. After changing the oils and filter plus a complete disc brake rebuild (a first for me) I took it to my independent LBS (the same one the previous owner frequented) and spoke to the mechanic (the same one that worked on the bike before). $160 later (valve and carb synch/adj) I got the ok from the mechanic that I bought a solid runner that should last for many years to come (small price for peace of mind in my opinion).

    I added a National Cycle detachable fairing and have a friend that will fabricate a mount so that I can attach the Givi E21 hardcases this summer. Right now, my large Nelson Rigg magnetic tank bag holds my laptop and other goodies. My wife loves that the passenger seat is comfortable and that the bike came with a sissybar. The ergos are perfect and I like that my feet are underneath me rather than splayed out "cruiser style". I love the power of the I4 and the extra hp (over some of the newer bikes I had considered). I commute about 55 miles (roundtrip) 3 times per week and average about 48-50mpg. Insurance runs $200 per year - no complaints.

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  37. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    Ventura CA
    Boy did you get the hookup Samtidor. Nice beasty.
  38. thedude

    thedude Member

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    Columbus, ne U.S.
    my cousin gave me my first motorcycle, a honda cbhawk 400, and i never rode it! i started to strip it down...got it firing on both cylinders and promptly got a D.U.I.... lost my license... went to jail... and my cousin took the bike back :( i bought my enduro for 380$ put in a bunch of money so it was at least road worthy...kinda 8O , but couldnt go on the highway b/c i couldnt get it up to speed limit....least not w/o fear of life :lol: one of the guys at advance auto had my bike....in the middle of winter i asked when he was gonna break it out and he said he was actually gonna sell it for 3-400$ 8O 8O ...i said i want it...give me a month... long story short i had to wait til spring to get it, as a gift (ty lyle) for my anniversary, by that time he was so eager to ride it took 600$ to aquire...ive put 70 bucks into it (head gasket) with 425$ (youll see :wink: ) more planned as i sell off excess vehicles. i dont regret the purchase for an instant...love this freakin bike!!! :D

  39. secaman

    secaman Member

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    guatemala, central america
    ok here i go now's my turn!

    i used to ride a sidecar rig for years,

    and say used because i haven't used it since i bought the seca, :roll:

    but wanted something more versatile and without a sidecar.

    this bike had been sitting at a dealers for years and i always liked it,

    i offered several times but didnt meet their price

    one day i took the money and said my last price and they accepted!!
  40. DarthBob

    DarthBob Member

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    I had been looking at bikes in the classifieds and on e-bay for a while, looking for a complete bike that didn't necessarily run but was cheap. I figured it would keep me busy, give me a goal, and eventually save me some gas money. I was usually outbid buy a few dollars, but then one day I actually won! My brother had come over for a few beers, and offered his truck to go pick up my new (to me) XJ550-Seca, so long as I drove, but I was just as tipsy as him so we had to wait for my other brother to show. In the time between the end of the auction and when we left, a sunny day had turned into a torrential downpour; my neighbors house was struck by lightning and the two intersections between my house and the hwy were flooded and full of stalled cars. My sober brother thought these were omens. My drunk brother wanted to know why Yamaha would name a bike after a 70's porn star (Seka). The rain stopped, we loaded it onto the truck, and took it home, where it started raining again. While the kids took turns sitting on it and making motorcycle noises, my 80 year old (slightly crazy) neighbor, out for a walk in the rain, stopped for a look and told us that he used to have a motorcycle, but it was nothing like these fancy new bikes.

    My brothers have taken to calling my XJ "Christine", because they thinks its resurrection must be due to some supernatural power, as I am not too mechanically inclined.My wife calls it the Yamaha MLC (for mid-life crisis).
  41. Oblivion

    Oblivion Active Member

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    Northeast Illinois
    LOL I got the same question from my dad. Then again, he thought the lyrics to John Cougar's "ROCK in the USA," were, "I love Seka in the USA." A little Seka on the brain, Dad?
  42. scubamoo

    scubamoo New Member

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    Pacific Northwest
    Ditto for me! I bought my 81 Seca 750 for $400 and work alongside a motorcycle mechanic. No brainer...

    Plus it has potential good looks -- like this guy's:
  43. Joel07

    Joel07 Member

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    Durham, NC, USA
    Wow, I love the look of that rear fairing!! Think I just got some more ideas for mine!!! :D
  44. cheese302

    cheese302 Member

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    Medford, NJ
    1985 xj700 maxim, my dad bought it in 86. Been in the family since. He bought a harley, gave the maxim to me. Its in pretty rough shape, dropped twice by him (me on the back the first time) now i just broke one of the carbs, so i am looking to get it more fixed up. Then let it sit, the thing has been very finicky and not reliable at all for me, and i am sick of it. However i want to get it running for my dad and keep it in the family.
  45. serr73

    serr73 New Member

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    Lansing Mi
    I have been looking for a bike , came across the maxim from the original owner and couldn't turn it down.It's a nice ride and the price was perfect.
  46. robista361

    robista361 Member

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    winslow, Maine
    Ive owned nothing but yamahaulers except a kawi dirt bike when I was a kid. I love all motorcycles, but my heart has a tuning fork in it.
  47. chevy45412001

    chevy45412001 Member

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    istarted ouy on the1982xj650,very dependable (little cold blooded below 40(but thats ok. had a delema had to sell. Found my current bike some years later,a xj1100....since then it's been heaven going on ten years for 800 initcal purchase.
  48. Hvnbnd

    Hvnbnd Active Member

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    St. Johns, Arizona
    In another thread I made mention of my son's new bike a Honda Shadow Sabre VT1100,

    well that bike is sure pretty and it's a V-Twin... sounds like it has a terrible miss... like all v-twins do.
    My bike idles so smoooooth.
    I don't think I want to change

    Sometimes fixing something old up is cool too!

    It shows passion

    Passion well deserved, these bikes have lots of heart!

    So do those that ride em
  49. Timski

    Timski Member

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    Morganton, NC
    My story is like several above. First bike, wanted something inexpensive and powerful enough that I won't likely get bored with it anytime soon, fairly light for easy handling, and preferably shaft drive. My budget was $3000.

    A 750 Maxim was on the short list, along with the Kaw VN750 and Honda V45 Sabre. I had decided to go with a Sabre and was in the process of looking for one when an ad in my local paper for an '82 Maxim 750 appeared.

    I'll admit that some of the appeal was nostalgic as a close friend bought one new back when I was just out of college. What a cool bike! I was still living at home and my 'rents were voilently opposed to bikes and I had no $ either, so I let the bug go away. It took over 20 years for the bug to make a resurgence and I finally got serious about bike ownership about 6 months ago.

    As it turned out, the Maxim was in good shape and the owner came off of his price just a bit. I went ahead and bought both it AND the Sabre and best of all, I still cmae in under $3000! 2 nostalgic bikes for the price of 1...can't beat that!
  50. MiCarl

    MiCarl Active Member

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    Livonia, MI (Metro Detroit)
    I got the bug for a motorcycle this summer. I had had a Yamaha DT100 when I was a kid.

    Not interested in a crotch rocket, wanted a classic looking standard.

    Not interested in a Harley. Everytime I hear something that sounds like a HD I want to give it a tune-up. Also, wanted a bike priced somewhat lower than I paid for my house.

    I remember when I was a kid (in the 70s) we would drool over the new Hondas with the 750four. I looked at an 82 650 Nighthawk and knew that was the type of bike I wanted (although this particular Nighthawk had some issues).

    I went and looked at the 82 650 Max. Had the right styling. Got on, brought back memories of my DT100. I was hooked.

    Finally, I love working on machines. I got lots of opportunities to wrench on this baby. Looking forward to getting into the carbs and valve cover leaks this winter.

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