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First bike owner. Absolutely love it.

Discussion in 'Eastern US and Canada' started by Dustin Trent, Aug 6, 2021.

  1. Dustin Trent

    Dustin Trent New Member

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    Concord, North Carolina
    Hi everyone, pulled up next to a Yamaha SR250 a few weeks ago that Cafe Racer look just pulled me in. I had never really considered owning a bike before and in only seconds I was consumed with a want to have one...so I took all the money I had and for 2400 bucks bought a 1982 Yamaha XJ550 Seca, named her Rose and began the process of being legal to ride her and learning to ride her. I had to learn how-to on the spot in order to get her home(not the safest thing I've ever done) but I got through it and got her home as she became immediately beloved by the family especially my daughter Brooke. I want to continue adding to her and giving her more of that Cafe Racer look and performance. I am new to forums so bare with me. First question I will ask is there a place where I could find spoked rims and white wall tires for my year and model. Second question and this will be later down the road I stumbled upon rocker clutches and Jockey shifters and thatblook is just absolutely killer....I guess I'm asking if it would be worth doing and what are people's thoughts on them and I also wanna thank everyone for letting me join the community and a thanks in advance to anyone that reads and takes time to respond. It's a great thing to have an entire group or good people that a new and less experienced owner/rider can come to for knowledge and general help, I love it. Also.....here are a few pictures of Rose as well.

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  2. Huntchuks

    Huntchuks Well-Known Member

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    Well, no one can complain about you keeping it original since you bought it already hacked up. Looks nice though. The main issue will be determining if it is running up to par with the pod air filters and aftermarket exhaust. Problem might be that you probably wouldn't know.
  3. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    Beaver Falls, PA
    foot clutch and suicide shifter, just forget that stuff. that's for the all show no go boys.
    at least get some kind of fenders unless you want a mud streak up your back and a matching one on your face. your going to ride in the rain
    put some kind of muffler on it. a chain guard keeps the oil off your or your girls leg.
  4. Dustin Trent

    Dustin Trent New Member

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    Concord, North Carolina
    I hear that and will take tje advice any word on the rims?
  5. Dustin Trent

    Dustin Trent New Member

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    Appreciate the reply. No I wouldn't know but that's the beauty of it right? It's a brand new hobby and information with some good guidance, I'll get it together.........How could you tell if the engine is running sub par with these add ons.
  6. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Great North Woods
    first I would suggest taking the motorcycle training course so your around to finnish the bike

    low fuel milage should get 50 mpg. spark plugs will be black.

    you should be able to redline the motor in all 6 gears 133 second 1/4 mile. ( after training and license)

    you will want to start by getting a xj550 seca repair manual.
    adjust valve shims then compresion test the motor

    before you dump any more money into your bike ride it and enjoy it.
    you will have to get custome rims and and have to deal with spacer issues for the axle.
    look at XT550 rims they are spokes and may fit
    link to rim so you can see it

    heres the hard news you will never get back the money you spend on this bike to do what you want to it. quite frankly you over paid for your bike.

    I have a chain guard it is the plastic type for your bike. for the postage you can have it . you could go chrome and use a maxim 550 chain gaurd.
  7. Dustin Trent

    Dustin Trent New Member

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    Concord, North Carolina
    Well, at least I'll enjoy it.
  8. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Great North Woods
    yes thats the important part.
    start a conversation with me and I can send you a Factory Service Manual in pdf for your bike
    Dustin Trent likes this.
  9. old starter

    old starter New Member

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    westport ontario canada
    I am also a new rider.. I have one full season in, I took the motorcycle safety course and am very happy I did. My son is a rider and loves it. I am coming onto retirement and decided to try it out. I started with a suzuki vz800 as my first bike, my wife loves to tour, she thought i was nuts at first. Since I started I have fixed my bike up, rebuilt an 84 knighthawk and am now on a build of an 82 maxim 400, it was thrown away 10 years ago and sat in a shed so this year I pulled it out and got the engine running. I ripped all the wires out and took her down to frame and engine and wheels. i started the wire harness rebuild and I am looking at turning it into a bagger. its going to be a while but . hey. retirement means more bike time.. as long as it leaves room for fishing :) welcome the a new hobby
    Simmy likes this.

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