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Oil Question's

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Jerrod Robinson1086, Nov 10, 2021.

  1. Jerrod Robinson1086

    Jerrod Robinson1086 Member

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    Hey Guys, new Account but I'm not new to the Community. Just lost access to my Original Handle. Anyhow I have an 82 750 Maxim that I have been building for a while now and She's Mechanically finished. I'm running Pods and a Mack 4 into 1 so it was a whole lot of Reading and Tinkering to get here but it finally Runs Great. But I believe I have a Viscosity issue, everytime is start it I pull my Plug Wires and Prime the Head for around 10 seconds because my Cam lobes are bone dry and they tap very loud until oil reach's them. When I prime there is no issue. Except in longer Rides it will develop a slight tic. I'm Running Valvoline 10-40, can i safely run something a little thicker to see if it helps, or will it be too hard on my Oil Pump?
  2. Dan Gardner

    Dan Gardner Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    How confident are you that the oil filter is installed correctly?

    Having the oil filter installed backwards or not seated against the block properly can cause a lower oil pressure condition and the valvetrain will be noisier. Don't ask me how I know.

    Luckily these engines are pretty forgiving and it won't be the death of anything.

    Reference: https://www.xjbikes.com/forums/threads/oil-filter-assembly-install-detail.130464/
    StarGeneral, Jetfixer and Franz like this.
  3. DaygloDavid

    DaygloDavid Active Member

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    Pulling the plug wires might not be a good idea. The Haynes manual says, "the ignition system must not operate with one or more HT leads isolated, as the very high secondary winding voltage may destroy the ignition coil."

    With respect to the oil viscosity, prior to motorcycle specific oils being available, from new, my UK 1980 XJ650 4K0 ran on 20/50 Castrol GTX. Normally, I now use 10/40 but had some 10/50 to use up which is currently in the engine. The recommended oil for the XJ650 & XJ750 is the same. My bike has now done 55,000 miles without any lubrication problems.

    When checking the valve clearances, there is usually a puddle of oil between the cam lobe and valve shim/bucket. This is because they are splash lubricated, the camshaft bearings are pressure fed.

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2021
  4. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

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    I think when the hi tension leads are not earthed it can damage the TCI too.
    XJ550H likes this.
  5. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    valve shims that are properly adjusted make a ticking sound

    a 20 40 oil may be better for you

    spec for cold weather riding is 10-30 oil and in warmer weather it goes up to a 20- 40 oil

    Recommended lubricant:
    If temperature does not go below 4°C (40°F) SAE 20W/40
    If temperature does not go above 15C (60°F) SAE 10W/30

    make sure your oil level is correct as long as you have an air bubble at top of glass site your good . I fill untill a m&m size air bubble is what i see.

    ticking can also be exhaust leak loose header bolts

    it took me many adjustments on header bolts on my mac as it does not connect like a stock exhaust. you may also have to use 2 exhaust gaskets if you use aftermarket

    SAE 20W/40SE motor oil

    SAE 10W/30SE motor oil

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