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Adding Pods to a XJ750 Midnight Maxim

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by RussianBiasGuy, Sep 29, 2022.

  1. RussianBiasGuy

    RussianBiasGuy Member

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    Im back again, still have yet to get the carburettor working it still wants to cause issues but thats not a worry thats being fixed as we speak.

    Back to my question how deep of a hole would i be digging for myself if i said i want to add pods to my 83 Midnight Maxim? Ive read a little on adding pods that the carbs will need to be tuned to work properly with them as the airflow affect changes which cause other issues. I think they would suit the bike more and they look quite cool. I dont know a single thing about adding pods but id like to know what it would be like to add them as well as would it be good or bad addition i need to learn somewhere at somepoint cant go around wondering.

    Spill the beans i dont mind how good or bad it is it just helps for future reference when i come to stripping down this bike and rebuilding it because thats when i will potentially add them if its a good idea.

  2. Minimutly

    Minimutly Well-Known Member

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    Wait for the clamour of people telling you not to.
    There are some good reasons why Yamaha don’t fit them, mostly to do with mid range torque, noise, poor filtration and cost of maintaining four filters vs one. Then you have pulse tuning, stable inlet pressures, gathering up crankcase fumes as positives for air boxes.
    I’ve read, and argued with theories that “explain” how cv carbs are constant velocity (they are actually constant vacuum), and if you take this bit on board you start to understand the size of the job.
    Putting a free flowing filter upstream of a cv carb changes the balance of pressure either side of the diaphragm - the thing that lifts the piston, connected to the mixture governing needle.
    If this happens the pressure at the needle changes, usually dropping, so les fuel gets drawn in, Vs more air...
    But not only this, the change over from idle/progression to needle changes, likely putting a hole in the fuelling.
    So, you might well need a different spring above the piston, different idle and main jets, needle, as well as a different emulsion tube. But you never know, a lot depends on the filters and the bit between them and the carb. Proper K&Ns, with a straight tube between them and the carb work well.
    I fitted a set of Mikunis from a 600 on my 650 maxim - without filters it ran well, fitted with crap Chinese filters it ran well, but I didn’t like them, and didn’t want to spend on a set of K&Ns. So I fitted a 600 air box - dang, it still runs well...
    Does it run as well as a Hitachi set and airbox? I dunno?
    Franz and Jetfixer like this.
  3. RussianBiasGuy

    RussianBiasGuy Member

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    If my engine actually wanted to run i may find out. Its very very temperamental, if my carbs are properly nacked i may get the Mikunis VM34 for the XJ750 but i dare say il have to mess with the engine for them to work properly as well, I don't know to be fair ideas appear in my head before the issue is actually found and sorted. It doesnt seem my bike has had the best of life before so i dont think theres going to be much good news for it. If the carbs are good and i think that its a good idea in all of hell to add pods then il have to do lots of revision for it. How fun. Seems like something i may do, but as you said there may be a fair few bits to replace/alter just for some filters to look fancy id say.

    Il have to think about it properly.
  4. Jetfixer

    Jetfixer Well-Known Member

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    If you still have stock airbox do not hack it up to remove it. I rebuilt a set of carbs for a guy who had a Maxim , it is a bobber and had PODS . Spent a week trying to synch them swapping jets when it would idle ran okay give it gas and it would cough and sputter , went down on jets would not idle but if you held it off idle ran good. He was so frustrated , i had another set that is a spare set tried these and same results. The owner tried something he built an airbox out of PVC pipe and it actually worked he merged them into one where rear of airbox sat he put a single pod on . We managed to get to run good with this set up not real pretty but it worked.
  5. Simmy

    Simmy Well-Known Member

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    This is so very important. Most think it is just a matter of getting the jetting correct.
    When the carb pistons no longer respond properly to your wrist, you're riding a POS!
    5,000 RPM is where this becomes most evident.
    5,000 RPM is exactly when you want a smooth response as it's where you'll spend most of the time riding it.
    Jetfixer likes this.
  6. Minimutly

    Minimutly Well-Known Member

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    If your pressure above the main jet is off, no amount of rejetting will fix it, hence the failure. Should have hacked the springs about if he had a spare set. Would have saved some PVC glue...
  7. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    Do you want to ride, or do you want to "look cool"?
    Timbox and Jetfixer like this.
  8. RussianBiasGuy

    RussianBiasGuy Member

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    I think il stick with my stock airfilter then sounds like a plan to me. Saves me money and time not that those two even exist at this point but yes great success. I may ride it one day once it stops being temperamental.
    k-moe and Jetfixer like this.
  9. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    It probably does. The volume of the airbox is about the same.

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