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Are you still riding?

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by Simmy, Oct 24, 2022.

  1. BallAquatics

    BallAquatics Active Member

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    Ohio, USA
    100+ miles yesterday, but it took 2 bikes to do it. Starting out I rode the 74 CB 550 to work. Had to be there at 5:00am and it was wet and hazy from some over-night rain. I'm trucking down Ohio state route 36 and this SUV coming the other way hits the brakes just after passing me. It's not long before it's turned around and on my tail. The lights come on and it's a county deputy. Seems like when I had the carbs off a couple of weeks ago, the wire to the tail light came un-hooked. He was a great young man and with the help of his lights I fixed the problem and was soon back on my way to work. That was 60 miles round trip.

    Then when I got home around 2:00pm it was so nice I thought I'd better drag out the "New" bike and stretch it's legs too! About 50 miles of county back roads and a stop at a tiny little state wildlife area where I spent lots of time in my youth.


    Today the temperature has already fell back to more normal temps for this time of the year. Oh well, I got my fix and have plenty of wrenching to do until the next nice day!
  2. BallAquatics

    BallAquatics Active Member

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    Had the 74 CB 550 out for a short ride today. It was only 38, but sunny and little to no wind. I've been working on the bike and wanted to do a test ride.

    It had been making a weird noise that wasn't matching wheel speed or engine rpm and I finally tracked it down to binding link in the chain.

    Also, I put the air box back on and dropped the pods after using them the last 40 odd years. It's nice to have that smooth Honda idle back, but it's got a sputter around 5000 rpm. Probably need to go down a few main jet sizes. The 1974 550's had a #98 main jet I believe.
  3. BallAquatics

    BallAquatics Active Member

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    Squeaked in a ride after work today. Was hoping to ride to work, but it was misting rain and foggy this morning. Just a little cool this afternoon, but some intermittent bursts of sunshine here and there. It was actually very nice when riding with the wind. I needed some bike time!

  4. Fuller56

    Fuller56 Well-Known Member

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    Cary, NC (winter) Harpursville, NY (summer)
    Yep, still riding. A couple of errands yesterday and hoping to get Gus the Moto Guzzi back together and a ride in the 70 degree weather before the rain. This is about 50% of the reason I am in NC for the winter.
    Timbox and BallAquatics like this.
  5. BallAquatics

    BallAquatics Active Member

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    4+ inches of snow today..... no bike rides for me. :(
    Jetfixer likes this.
  6. BallAquatics

    BallAquatics Active Member

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    Temps up in the mid 40's today. Went for a couple of rides to test out the new clutch install. About 30 miles in total.
    ksigurdsen, Jetfixer and Timbox like this.
  7. BallAquatics

    BallAquatics Active Member

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    Beautiful day here for February in Ohio. It warmed up to 50 °F this afternoon and I got in a ride on the CB550 and the Seca Turbo.

    Rode out to check on Mom's place while she is in the sunny south for the winter and then just meandered around on the back roads for an hour or so. The 550's just about ready for spring as it's running great. Did a complete carb clean and rebuild and reinstalled the factory air box in place of the pods installed back in the 80's. I might end up doing the clutch too as I am very happy with the way the clutch turned out in the Turbo..... The jury is still out for now. Ended up doing 50+ miles on the 550.

    Switched helmets and gloves and went back out on the Seca Turbo. Very different ride than the CB550. Clocked 40+ miles on the Turbo, mostly state routes through rural farm lands.

    Oblivion, jayrodoh, Rooster53 and 4 others like this.
  8. Oblivion

    Oblivion Active Member

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    So, my first ride 'of the year' was yesterday - about a 10 mile gas/library run. She started a little rough, but by the time I was to the library (~2.5 miles) she was smooth as silk. Today I did the commute (26 miles each way) and it was a sunny 35F when I left the house. Ride home should be a little chilly with the sun going down, but I'm pre-heating w/ some tea before I take off.

    At one light a woman probably on her 60s pulled up next to me and when I glanced over she smiled and gave me a huge thumbs up. Day brightened even more.

    Fun (to me) fact, I started this year off w/ 38,225 miles on the ol' gal.

    Edit to add: Hell, it's up to 48F now. It'll be downright balmy getting home!

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2023
    ksigurdsen likes this.
  9. Huntchuks

    Huntchuks Well-Known Member

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    You, my friend, are hard core. Since my 700 X motor is still disassembled and it is to be 65F here tomorrow, I am thinking of getting the 700N out for a spin.
    Oblivion likes this.
  10. BallAquatics

    BallAquatics Active Member

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    It was a balmy 55 °F yesterday and I got about 70 miles of rambling through the country side, and a curvy ride through a state park. Still dreaming of warmer weather.

    I'm really starting to like this Yamaha. Smooth as silk, 4K @ 55mph, and 5K @ 70mph. Gas mileage it's too bad either and will probably improve with warmer weather.

  11. Melnic

    Melnic Active Member

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    Short 45 min ride today with riding buddy. He just got a 1983 Honda GL1100 Goldwing
    Oblivion likes this.
  12. Huntchuks

    Huntchuks Well-Known Member

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    East Rochester, NY
    20230215_150208.jpg Yesterday got the 700 airhead out to make the 30 mi. round trip to my mother's place to fix her phone and tablet. Mid 60's yesterday.
  13. Oblivion

    Oblivion Active Member

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    We got snow again Thursday, so the salt monster is back out on the road. Waiting for the next big rain before I'm out again.
  14. BallAquatics

    BallAquatics Active Member

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    It was 70 degrees yesterday in February in Ohio! Was a bit on the windy side, but I'll take it.

    Rode to work, first time out in the dark on the Seca... the headlight leaves a great deal to be desired. From a quick look it seems to have a halogen bulb, perhaps I can swap it for led.

    The ride turned out to be a joy ride to nowhere in particular. First ride where I wasn't bundled up to fight off the cold. Ended up clocking around 90 miles in total.

  15. BallAquatics

    BallAquatics Active Member

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    I've rode almost every day this week, except Wednesday & Friday. It was a nice sunny 53 °F this afternoon and I had the CB550 out for about a 35 mile loop. Every time I think I've got the bike ready for spring something else comes up! The joys of owning old bikes I guess. It's got an oil seep around the oil pump I believe. The pump is external and has 3 o-rings where it attaches to the engine. Should be an easy fix, I'll have to check to see if I have the required o-rings. Might make a good project for tomorrow, the forecast is calling for rain most of the day.

    ksigurdsen and Fuller56 like this.
  16. BallAquatics

    BallAquatics Active Member

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    Yesterday was nicest day of the year so far. Almost 70 °F with lots of sun and breezy. Rode out to Mom's on the turbo to put the battery tender on the CBR and decided to swap the turbo for the NC700X.

    I had no particular destination in mind and ended up just all over about 3 counties. Ended up with a total of 104 miles.


    Dave in Ireland and Franz like this.
  17. BallAquatics

    BallAquatics Active Member

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    Got a break in the weather and had a fantastic day out on the bike yesterday. 80+ miles for the ride. Most of the month has been cold and rainy and saw lots of standing water along the road. It's been pretty close to typical Ohio weather in March, but with some extra rain thrown in for good measure.

    At any rate, was close to 62°F by mid afternoon, with very light wind. Bike was running great, I'm loving the factory fairing on the xj650lj, just enough wind protection without being too much. I'm thinking the old Yamaha is happy to be out on the road after being stored away for so much of it's life, clock says 7593 miles now!

    short_circutz and Rooster53 like this.
  18. BallAquatics

    BallAquatics Active Member

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    Beautiful day here, 69 °F with hardly a cloud in the sky. Was hoping to head south down to the Hocking Hills area, but some wind damage that needed attention kept me closer to home. Ended up getting re-acquainted some of my favorite twisty roads in the area and went 100+ miles in the process.

    Serviced the NC700X over the weekend so it got the nod for today's outing. These bikes usually get ho hum reviews, but I'm loving it. Smooth as silk, 80 miles to the gallon, all-day comfort, and with the Michelin Road 5 tires fitted, it will carve up a twisty road to beyond my abilities.
    Rooster53 and Franz like this.

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