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82 750 maxim firm up suspension have you tried EMGO shocks?

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by vashtsdaytona, Jun 12, 2023.

  1. vashtsdaytona

    vashtsdaytona Active Member

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    I feel my bike, 82 750 maxim is too soft and wallowy. I do have full luggage and that weight likely doesnt help. going over a bump, or curb into out of driveway my rear shocks, make a "shhhhhhh, slurp squirt" sound. I have never noticed oil leaking from them though, but i also havent had the bike since new. machine has 40k miles on it now i believe the shocks to be original as i got the bike years ago with 13k on it.

    the forks have been gone through, but with same internal damper, spring, spacer, ecy. they dont leak and they do hold air.

    is there any options for a firmer front end? a spring swap? I know racetech has some options. maybe there is an OEM+ option from a seca, i assume that wont work? or would a used seca spring be an upgrade to me? i feel it is too easy to bottom out the travel of my current fork. looking at racetech site for xj750 maxim, stock spring rate front is 0.46kg/mm. using my weight a "standard" ride would require a 0.79kg/mm a "prefers stiff" would be 0.82kg/mm. and you buy the closet one to that number, in both cases would be 0.8kg/mm. so from them I guess thats what I want 0.8 which is a big higher than stock. for the pair its $150. naturally we all want cheaper options but maybe thats not so bad.

    head bearings, wheel bearings, swing arm pivots, ect have all been replaced. I cant think of much that hasnt been other than the rear shocks.

    did some reading on old threads found some talk about them. That and harley shocks were a thing with light modification. anyone remember what model/years to pull from?

    But how about the EMGO classic shocks 325mm. they seem to fit correctly and are listed to work for my bike. can anyone offer insight into how they are working for them? how are they holding up?

    my current thinking is becasue my forks are fresh, try soemthing for the rear first then see if more needed?
  2. XJ650inTexas

    XJ650inTexas Active Member

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    Not a 750, but a set of Progressive Suspension shocks in the rear and springs in the forks vastly improved the ride on my XJ650.
  3. vashtsdaytona

    vashtsdaytona Active Member

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    What shocks did you get?
  4. XJ650inTexas

    XJ650inTexas Active Member

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    The 412 series, heavy duty spring rate.
  5. vashtsdaytona

    vashtsdaytona Active Member

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    heres a video of my situation. can we agree these are blown?

    have your volume on.

  6. vashtsdaytona

    vashtsdaytona Active Member

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    i pulled the stock shocks today, EMGOs are supposed to be here tomorrow. I was hoping to find them more broken. I pulled the springs to get to the dampers. took a video.

    i dont know what is normal for these, but there is no compression damping as they compress with almost no effort. they have rebound as there was resistance to pulling them out which varied by force of the pull. one shock was much more gurgly and swishey pulling it out, I am thinking it is lower on oil then the other. also it was very sticky and jerky in its travel comparatively.

    So I think I have one worn out one and one probably still working ok for its age? but i was kinda hoping for totally blown out to be definitive

    perhaps someone else has played with their shocks and know if this behavior is normal for these.

    volume up, and the noises were louder in person.

  7. vashtsdaytona

    vashtsdaytona Active Member

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    Went out dial was set on 3 of 4. Manipulated dial and it got easier on 1 harder on 4. So that valving is working. When set to 1 I am able to move them easier faster, and for the one I think it's bad it amplified it's notchyness. And hollow gushing sound. But there is oil moving by sound and the adjuster affects it's behavior.

    Also I measured spring free length. Manual says limit is 227.8mm. I have 222mm and 224mm so that is measurably under spec, bringing me some hope new ones solve my problem
  8. vashtsdaytona

    vashtsdaytona Active Member

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    EMGOs arrived and I installed. a bit more hassle with the luggage. the plastic inserts for the rubber bushings, even the largest size was too small for our posts. the largest bushing seemed to be the correct size for it without the insert. I had read others reused their stock bushings and that would have been possible but mine were somewhat cracked and figured better to go with new. it comes with enough washers for one on each side of the bushing. but that makes it too wide, 1 washer makes it within a couple .01 mm of stock. so i only used one, and kept the washer on the same side as not to shim it out of alignment. IE 1 washer on the inboard side at the top, 1 washer on the inboard side at the bottom.

    I do question the lower mount for the left hand side. the stud that comes off the differential. even the stock one the washer/nut combo is slightly smaller than the bush. so to me it could maybe slide off? but that being said the top of the shock is very well encapsulated by the frame and hard parts. so the bottom cant slide off unless the top is also free. which cant happen. unless the stock shaft broke or was bent like 70*. that and the shape of the eyelet and bushing when tightened kind of expand and trap it, at least that's how I look at it. but if you think otherwise, like maybe i have wrong washer or something let me know as its a safety thing.

    as for the shocks, only went about 10 blocks. they dont squeak or gurgle or bottom out. the bike does sit higher statically. on the stock shocks i was at max preload, on the emgos they come minimum preload and are much firmer than stock maxed. perhaps they are too firm even? likely to break in some though. it is a product they are trying to cover such a wide range of bikes, i guess they have to be firm to cover the big boys. didnt feel bad though on the little ride. rode over man hole covers didnt kick me off.

    quality for what little i can judge seems ok, the chrome is nice i dont see any imperfections. but who can say how they will wear. I wish the springs were totally covered more like OEM. these can be had for as little as $90 in black and $115 in chrome. compared to 412 which i think are $350 and race tech will do customs for you for even more than that but you have to get quoted out.

    So for new it is the only "Cheap" option. if these are too firm, not sure what i will do, perhaps low millage stock and resell these. but too early to be jumping to conclusions.

    I am going to keep updating this thread with how it goes for others thinking of EMGO. and if i do front fork springs. right now ive got the new shocks and 17psi in forks, and i must try that out. for those that dont know i have the factory luggage, and a vetter rooster front fairing with radio, so I have some decent extra weight on the front and rear.

    20230616_210422.jpg 20230616_210438.jpg 20230616_210441.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2023
    Dave in Ireland likes this.
  9. vashtsdaytona

    vashtsdaytona Active Member

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    it has now been about 400 miles. they have broken in and did soften up. I do feel like they are still too firm but not unbearable. when i have my luggage loaded up they feel correct. with another person I think you would likely firm them up a notch. which i havent yet done. but plenty of range to go up in firmness.

    for me specifically i am happy i did them. as i learned one of my shocks was basically gone. with a pair of working shocks the bike is much more stable at speed. interstate riding has greatly improved for me. with my handlebar mounted rooster fairing wind blowing can try to move the front end, and previously i was blaming that for my high speed issues. wasnt terrible but you knew you had to fight something. now with new rear shocks that is resolved.

    so for the money and not having many options, if you have blown shocks you should get them. perhaps by paying more for the other option or paying lots more for custom we could find a better suited, softer with range in adjustment than the EMGO

    I did consider getting low miles used stock ones. which is tempting, but its hard to know if they are actually good without taking them apart. to get to just the hydraulic section. which i can do but ebay sellers wouldnt so youd just have to take a chance based on millage of the bike they came off of. but they would still be 40 years old, so perhaps EMGO is better than used stock in that regard.

    The takeaway:

    So 2 working shocks is better than 1 that is blown and 1 that is partially blown. EMGO are new and the cheapest, but firm, though they do break in. but if you could find two working shocks from some supplier you will be better off than worn out stock, and you get what you pay for??? in that you could pay for custom.
    Dave in Ireland likes this.
  10. Roast644

    Roast644 Well-Known Member

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    Good info, at least there are options. Sounds like it is working for you. Do you have any photos of your fairing? Did you keep the square headlight or convert to round?
  11. vashtsdaytona

    vashtsdaytona Active Member

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    kept the square. fairing came with the bike. Vetter brand Rooster with stereo. it was black. I pieced together the luggage set, and painted to match.

    Attached Files:

    Roast644 and Franz like this.
  12. Roast644

    Roast644 Well-Known Member

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    Very pretty. You made that look like it came as a factory option.

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