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Seca fairing windshield screws

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Gabosifat, May 27, 2016.

  1. Gabosifat

    Gabosifat New Member

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    Hi Everyone,

    Does anyone know what were the correct windshield bolts for an 82 550 Seca? Mine are flat plastic bolts which recess into a washer so the head is flush with the washer. The back side has plastic wing nuts. I'd like to replace mine as they're brittle and have already broken one. Not sure if they're different colours for different years, and if what's in the picture was the original?
    Many thanks for the help.

  2. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The room where it happened

    HCP6341 OEM front fairing windscreen MOUNTING SCREW, attaches the windscreen to the fairing body, black plastic button-head, phillips-drive style screw, use 7 per windscreen all on XJ550 Seca models. NOTE: some models may have originally used a clear screw, rather than black. Each:

    HCP10657 Aftermarket front fairing windscreen MOUNTING SCREW, attaches the windscreen to the fairing body, black plastic panhead, phillips-drive style screw, use 7 per windscreen all on XJ550 Seca models. NOTE: this replacement screw is much more similar in design, length, and style than the OEM screw HCP6341 listed above. Each:

    HCP14863BLK Aftermarket front fairing windscreen MOUNTING SCREW, attaches the windscreen to the fairing body, black anodized aluminum button-head, allen-key drive screw adds a little color and flavor beyond what was originally used. May be slightly longer than the stock screw on some models. Use 6 on all XJ650 Turbo models, use 7 on all XJ550 Seca and 1981-83 XJ750 Seca windscreens, and use 8 on all FJ600, 1984 XJ750RL Seca, and XJ900 models. We recommend the use of HCP6342 or HCP14620 flat washers (below) be used under the head of these screws. Each:

    HCP14863BLKSET8 Aftermarket front fairing windscreen MOUNTING SCREWS, black anodized aluminum button-head, allen-key drive screws, set of 8:

    HCP6342 OEM front fairing windscreen mounting screw FLAT WASHER, attaches the windscreen to the fairing body, clear plastic, use 7 on XJ550 Seca models, and 12 on all XJ650 Turbo models. NOTE: some models may have used a black washer, rather than clear. These washers go under the fairing, above the nut. Each:

    HCP14620 Aftermarket front fairing windscreen mounting screw FLAT WASHER, attaches the windscreen to the fairing body, black plastic, use as needed. Each:

    HCP14621 Aftermarket front fairing windscreen mounting screw FLAT WASHER, attaches the windscreen to the fairing body, white plastic, use as needed. Each:

    HCP10656 Aftermarket front fairing windscreen mounting screw NUT, attaches the windscreen to the fairing body, white plastic, use 7 on XJ550 Seca and XJ750 models, and 6 on all 1982 XJ650 Turbo models per windscreen. NOTE: original nuts were clear plastic, rather than white, but since they are hidden under the fairing, nobody will ever really notice.... Each:

    HCP14623 Aftermarket front fairing windscreen mounting screw NUT, attaches the windscreen to the fairing body, black plastic, use 7 on XJ550 Seca and XJ750 models, and 6 on all 1982 XJ650 Turbo models per windscreen. NOTE: original nuts were clear plastic, rather than black, but since they are hidden under the fairing, nobody will ever really notice.... Each:

    HCP3699 OEM front fairing windscreen mounting screw NUT, attaches the windscreen to the fairing body, flanged black nut is used as follows: use 6 on 1983 XJ650 Turbo models, and 8 on FJ600, 1984 XJ750RL Seca, and XJ900 models. NOTE: these metal nuts can be used as substitutes for the original plastic nuts used on all XJ550 Seca, XJ650 Turbo, and XJ750 Seca models. Each:
  3. Gabosifat

    Gabosifat New Member

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    British Columbia
    Thanks Chacal!
  4. Clayton S

    Clayton S New Member

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    Can anybody tell me where I can buy replacement screws, nuts, washers like those OEM replacements above? I've done some searching but not seeing them specifically listed anywhere. Any help would be much appreciated.
  5. Jetfixer

    Jetfixer Well-Known Member

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    Yeah go to ACE hardware they have nylon screws ,nuts and washers , that is what I use on mine.
    ksigurdsen likes this.
  6. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    If you don't have a local hardware store that carries the right nylon fasteners, email info@xj4ever.com

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