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Starter relay is the problem (I hope!)

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by flyfishinwoman, May 30, 2006.

  1. flyfishinwoman

    flyfishinwoman New Member

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    Hey there, new XJ owner here. I have a 1980 XJ650, bought as a non-runner and have been working on it for the past few days.

    I think that I've narrowed the problem down to the starter relay. Have been using the service manual (yamaha edition) to troubleshoot along with my multimeter. The run, clutch and start switches are OK, and the starter cut-out relay is fine too. When shorting out the starter relay, the starter motor works, so figure that the relay is hooped and have ordered a new one. Couldn't get the original part, but found out that Yamaha part # 4KD-81940-00-00 is the number for replacement (it's actually a 4 moto 225 part).

    I have changed the oil, but need to replace the bolt for the oil filter, it's stripped and won't budge, so will probably end up drilling it out. When I get the bike running, I'll change the oil again and put in the new oil filter with the new bolt. I've also replaced the spark plug caps and plugs. I"m anxious to get the starter relay and put the bike to the test, see if it turns over.

    The gas tank was full of crud, and I spent about an hour cleaning it in the varsol tank and then sprayed some rust remover stuff in there and have left it for a few days. Will need to clean that stuff out before reseating the fuel petcock/filter. I would like to get another gas cap, the lock on the original is really sticky but may be able to get it functional again until I can locate a good working order one.

    I'm going to replace the original bars with superbike style ones, and may get a little cafe fairing for the headlight. If I'm going to keep the bike, then I have a vision for it, and that's to make it into a retro-style, kinda like a clubman bike. I'll see how motivated I am when I get it running and on the road. If anyone has links to nice cafe-style fairings, please post them.

    Another few things that I want to do are to replace the wheel bearings and renew the front caliper. The front brakes are nearly useless, so will have to take the piston out and give it a good cleaning, as well as flush the system. I'm hoping that I won't have to get a master cylinder rebuild kit. I might put some stainless lines on, just for better stopping, or else swap out the fork sliders for ones that have a two brake setup, like the XS1100, if it's compatible. Anyone know if this can be done, if the fork sliders are the same dimensions?

    That's about all for now, when I get some pics of the project I'll post them up. I'm glad that I found this site, it's helped alot.
  2. jasonlion54

    jasonlion54 Member

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    If the rest of the bike is ready, and if you can bypass the starter relay, why don't you just start the bike that way? And if not that way, I would try bump-starting it down a hill or push-starting in your driveway if you're really that anxious to hear it run. I know I would be.
  3. flyfishinwoman

    flyfishinwoman New Member

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    I'm not going to push-start it or bypass the relay at this point because I want to finish the troubleshooting process. That and I also have a 1999 VFR800 that I'm riding right now, so can wait til I get the replacement relay. Once I get this bike running, then I'll take the VFR off the road, as I'm trying to sell it and don't want to risk some cager hitting it.
  4. jasonlion54

    jasonlion54 Member

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    Ah, good plan. Best of luck with the restoration. By the way, why would you switch from a 99 vfr to a 1980 XJ? It seems that the VFR is a much better bike, all sentimental feelings aside.
  5. flyfishinwoman

    flyfishinwoman New Member

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    I don't wish to switch, per se, but can't afford to keep financing the VFR, hence it's up for sale. Hey, wanna buy a great VFR??? j/k
  6. HooNz

    HooNz Member

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    Hi , to troubleshoot is exactly that , one needs a reference...

    so reference 1 is the starter motor , going back from there one needs to know it IS working , check starter motor by shorting out the 2 posts on the relay [therefore bypassing it] if s/motor turns/spins the main motor so far ok.

    if not the s/motor needs attention [easy too]

    if so the relay is energized when push button? [click click]

    if no energized looky for wire that does that and follow it back to the source..

    so i suggest first check starter works then work from there...

    grease/oil in starter motor can make it no work as it makes the brushes in there lose contact.....

    hope tis sorted soon....
  7. flyfishinwoman

    flyfishinwoman New Member

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    Starter is OK, it worked when I shorted out the terminals on the starter relay.

    Starter cut-out relay is fine, checked that.

    I traced the problem all the way through the starting circuit (I'm an electrician by trade), and have isolated it to the starter relay.

    When I removed the old spark plugs, found some bad threads in 2 of the cylinders, so will have to chase them with a tap.

    I'll keep ya posted when I put the new starter relay in. Thanks for the suggestions.
  8. HooNz

    HooNz Member

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    And a quick check to test starter relay is to apply 12v to the small wire besides the 2 large posts on the relay , one is earth and one 12v to activate , excuse me on my prvious post as i did not seem to have red it properly and you seemed to have had the starter motor figured out , and just in case if you have tried the 12v to little wire and it worked then one of the safty switchs is playing up or a wire is bisloged/broken , main thing is 12v to little wire make it work....

    if 12v to little wire there and still no work then the other earth to relay needs to be checked , if all ok there and still no work use resistence scale on the multimeter [low ohms] between the little wires it should be 5-30 ohms or so , if "open" = knackered .....
  9. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    Welcome Flyfisher, I have a previous post that may be of use to you.
    Hope it helps.
  10. nlh2810

    nlh2810 New Member

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    For the oil filter bolt, check out shadetree powersports. www.shadetreemotorcycle.com I recently purchased 2 from them for 3.50USD each.
  11. RyanfromOhio

    RyanfromOhio Member

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    https://www.partsnmore.com/cat_index.ph ... electrical

    They have the starter relay. I bought one as I thought mine was shot also.

    Found out that there just wasnt enough voltage going up to the start switch.

    Take a DMM and put the ground on the batteries. Now take your red lead and touch each fuse on both sides with the bike on but not started.

    If the voltage is different on the other side of the fuse you have your problem.

    Standing on the battery side of the bike the fuse furthest away is the problem child for my bike. I need a new fuse block... Oh boy another $16...lol
  12. tupperj

    tupperj New Member

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    Well a number of others have addressed the starter issue, so I'll chime in on the forks. The forks from an XS1100 will work on your XJ, I'm in the process of doing this exact swap. You will need the master from the XS to have enough capacity to run the dual calipers. The stainless lines will make a great difference, it's one of the first things I do to my bikes.

    Enjoy, and be safe.
  13. tupperj

    tupperj New Member

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    Cincinnati, OH
    Well a number of others have addressed the starter issue, so I'll chime in on the forks. The forks from an XS1100 will work on your XJ, I'm in the process of doing this exact swap. You will need the master from the XS to have enough capacity to run the dual calipers. The stainless lines will make a great difference, it's one of the first things I do to my bikes.

    Enjoy, and be safe.
  14. flyfishinwoman

    flyfishinwoman New Member

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    Thanks for the tips. I have already checked the fuses, so know they are OK, but am thinking of replacing the old-style glass ones and block.

    As for the brake mod, I was wondering what, if any, effect the unsprung weight of the extra brake setup will have. Anybody done this swap and notice any effect?

    My starter relay is at the shop, just have to pick it up and do a few other things to the bike before sparking it up. Hopefully it will turn over! I'll keep everyone posted, and again thanks for the info.
  15. flyfishinwoman

    flyfishinwoman New Member

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    Yup, the problem for starting it was the starter relay. Got the new one installed today, and the bike cranks!!

    Now I just have to replace the tank, add fuel, and test out the new plugs/caps and starter relay. Once that's done, and it fires up (hopefully), then it's on to the front brake. I have to take apart the caliper and tend to the piston, as well as flush the system, as it doesn't work worth a darn. I also have to remove the back wheel, as it seems to be sticking and look at the wheel bearings and the brake.

    If all goes well, I should have it running by mid-week. I'll keep ya posted.
  16. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    You going to salvage the old relay? You can pop the cover off and burnish the contacts to get a spare back.
  17. flyfishinwoman

    flyfishinwoman New Member

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    Good idea, I'll take it to work where I can use the soldering iron and do that, thanks.

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