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Counterfeit Cashier's Check - SCAM alert

Discussion in 'For Sale, Trade/Swap, Wanted' started by SnoSheriff, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. SnoSheriff

    SnoSheriff Site Owner Staff Member Administrator

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    MB, CAN
    Beware of a spin off from the NIGERIAN SCAM involving Counterfeit Cashiers Check and be aware of these and other types of activities when buying or selling on the internet. So, don't get SCAMMED!

    This is how the scam works:
    A “potential” buyer contacts you showing interest in your motorcycle. After exchanging information by e-mail, the scammer agrees to buy it. He claims to have a business associate that will FEDEX you the payment by certified check or money order. The payment is usually for more money then your asking price (they will make up an excuse for this). Then the SCAMMER will ask you to send him the “overpaid” balance and he’ll give you the vehicle pickup details. Banks usually make the funds available before the check actually clears. By that time the criminal is gone with your “refunded” money and your vehicle. Week later you get the call from your band about the fraudulent check and have to pay the money back to the bank.

    Have your bank verify the funds with the issuing bank. Make sure your bank completely clears the funds. This could take weeks! If you get a gut feeling that something is not right, walk away from the sale. Educate yourself, use Google and search the web to find out if are being SCAMMED. Scam e-mails are very similar so it should be easy to find them in Google.

    Here are some sites further explaining this scam:
    http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/11/ ... 7883.shtml
    http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/ ... am07.shtml
    http://www.scamvictimsunited.com/counte ... _check.htm

    Don’t be fooled, there are scammers out there that sound VERY professional and will even offer to call you. If something sounds too good to be true then it is.
  2. PepNYC

    PepNYC Member

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    Charlotte, NC
    I've seen this in action. They tried to get me with this one when I was selling my car.

    Be careful out there people. :?
  3. Pacocase

    Pacocase Member

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    Yeah I got contacted outside of Ebay with a scam similar to this when I sold my RE5. Just stay away from anything that sounds fishy and you'll be fine.
  4. RMJohnston

    RMJohnston New Member

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    Clovis, New Mexico
    There is also another scam, We were selling our 4x4 online, I never received a call from the buyer. All I got was a letter in the mail, with a check for the amount and extra money that was supposed to cover delivery. The letter stated their intentions and asked me to contact the shipping company. I called the "shipping company" and it turned out to be some tow truck company in the Carolinas. I began to get a bad feeling about the whole deal. So I then contacted the bank from where the check was written on, and the check had no phone number on it. (thank the Lord for the internet) I tracked down the bank, and found it to be written on a bank that was located in a hospital. I called the "bank" in the hospital and they began to investigate, I faxed them a copy of the check and "Someone in the accounting department" was trying to buy my truck using hospital funds that was never authorizied. Long story short, always call the issuing bank first before you do anything else when it comes to selling.


    Yamaha XJ650
  5. AnnieOakley

    AnnieOakley New Member

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    In the heart of Dark Corners
    Also be careful about US Postal Service money orders. There are some very good fakes out there. Take it down to the post office and have them verify that it is the real thing.

    My suggestion would be to make delivery of the goods contingent on the check/money order actually clearing everybody's banks, or to do business face-to-face on a cash basis.

  6. switch263

    switch263 Member

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    Austin, TX
    As for the postal service money-order thing, I work for a bank, those can't be verified until they're over 48 hours old. Some weird bug in their system. Same with the ones people get at village pantry, walmart, etc.

    Contacting the supposed issuing bank is a good way to go. I've encountered a few banks that refuse to verify anything, including their "official" items (cashier's checks, money orders, etc), and my advice has always been to just not deal with those people if that's the case.
  7. richt

    richt Member

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    This scam is real and is on Craigslist too. I had a guy tell me that he was overseas. The item I was selling was $700, and he sent me $2800 in Albertson's cashiers checks. They looked valid. I was already suspecting fraud, so I sent him an email that I was going to cash the checks and sit on them for 3 weeks until I found out for sure, that they were not fraudulent.

    He hasn't emailed me back. I'm keeping the checks around as keepsakes. Talked to a local police officer friend, and he said there probably would not be anyone interested in taking the case.

    Beware, be smart, and take cash or paypal only.
  8. switch263

    switch263 Member

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    Austin, TX
    I had a lady today with the same scenario richt, she was selling something for $400 on craigslist, and got a check in the mail from someone several states away for like $2500.

    My general rule of thumb when it comes to money, "If it seems too good to be true, it is!"
  9. maybe4

    maybe4 Member

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    Chicago Area
    a friend of mine sold his 2009 Camaro on craigslist for exactly what he was asking for - $35k or something like that. The guy gave him a cashiers check from a recognizable bank and drove away. 10 days later my friend got a call from his bank :( Obviously he was sick and felt incredibly stupid. This story however, has an unbelievable happy ending, the police called him and based on the VIN number tracked him down, they found his car along with several other stolen cars that were "cooling off" in a parking lot somewhere so he got his car back........NOW THAT IS LUCKY!

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