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An idiot needs clarification...

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by DianCecht, Jun 10, 2008.

  1. DianCecht

    DianCecht Member

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    Central Illinois
    Exhaust... I think I have my answer. The xj650 Maxim I purchased is pretty decent visually until you come to the slip-on muffler... The PO obviously managed to dump her in such a fashion to dent the megaphone... (which i'm not a huge fan of anyway). I intend to replace the slip-ons in a way that hasn't been clearly decided, but there are numerous suggestions that I have taken to heart on this board... Unfortunately - I'm broke.

    My question is this: Until I replace the slip-on muffler, am I able to drive her around (minus the slip-ons) without running lean in a fashion that would necessitate rejetting the carbs?

    I believe RickCoMatic (or the forum/XJ god, as I have come to know and understand him) answered this question in a previous post when he stated that he believes the back pressure comes from the collection box - which I intend to keep on there... I just wanted to clarify this for myself. Any input is appreciated, and I can't express how helpful this place has been... and inspiring... (So inspiring that the XJ is sitting in all corners of the garage - there are just so many wonderful ideas... and she needed a really good once over after the PO)
  2. xyxj650

    xyxj650 Member

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    Fergus Falls MN
    I Just got a set of sporty mufflers off ebay for under 50 for both sides They are supposed to fit on this model bike almost perfectly. Give that a try. As far as pulling your mufflers off I honestly couldn't tell you
  3. biggmeany2000

    biggmeany2000 Member

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    If you know a good muffler shop and measure correctly they will make you just about any size adapter. I chose a Truxton Triumph muffler. Sounds sweet on the 4-into-1 header. 8)
  4. cycleman

    cycleman Member

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    I did the same swap. You'll need a 1.5 " to 1.75 " adapter to mate up the old pipe to the Harley exhaust. I cut mine just back where the old muffler was welded on. Sealing it up. I welded and used some muffler cement along with a pair of harley muffler clamps to finish it off.

    I was able to re use the old mounting hardware off one of the orginal mufflers as a hanger but had to make one for the right side.

    Stoppers for the side and center stand have to be made up in one fashion or another.

    Not a bad swap but do several dry fits and think things through before you do anything permanent. Do a search on this site as there are a few fairly detailed explanations on this swap.
  5. stereomind

    stereomind Active Member

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    Tulsa, OK
    DianCecht, if you ride without the slip-ons, you will be lean. If you want to see just how lean, get you a set of new spark plugs and run them for a few miles.. then look at the color of the insulators. If they stay bone-white, you need to get those mufflers fixed! But... if they turn a nice tan color, you're still in the safe zone.

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