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swapping handlebars

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by bartman, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. bartman

    bartman Member

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    My manager at work scored me some free handlebars that I'll be using to swap out the stock curved ones (not comfortable with em). I was just curious what it takes to remove all the controls and swap out the bars?

    I've never monkeyed with with this stuff before so I'm not really sure about pulling off the throttle, clutch/brake levers etc....any help is appreciated.
  2. woot

    woot Active Member

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    Are you on a maxim or a seca?

    On my xj650h maxim - All I did was loose the controls and slid them off the bars. Pop the cover in the middle and loose the bar clamp

    As the new bars were shorter I had to reroute the cables to take up the slack.

    Then put the controls on the bar (easier to do while not clamped to the bike) and leave them loose. Clamp the bar. Then position the controls properly and check the cables/lines to make sure they don't get pinched or bent too sharply.

    Next you will find your mirrors might not work properly - if you went from a buckhorn maxim bar to a flat bar like the seca, the mirror mounts on the controls will be angled in (instead of flat like the seca control mount point). As a result the mirrors will be next to useless until you swap the controls to seca ones or rig up some mount point adapter. I never did and just head check more frequently.
  3. bartman

    bartman Member

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  4. Ian.k

    Ian.k Member

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    it's very easy, just about everythign held on with some manner of screw, so jsut unbolt and transfer, although if the bars are longer than stock, you will need a hibar cable kit. Which comes from ebay at about $30 or less. IF they're shorther than stock, just tuck your cables in the frame or under the tank a little more to make them fit
  5. bartman

    bartman Member

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    a little late in replying but thanks for the info. I should be getting my handlebars in the next day or two, and have my tank back from paint on the weekend....the tank was in really rough shape, took my friend 45 minutes to sandblast, said there must have been 7 layers of paint on it, plus I didn't find all the bondo, there was bondo on the top, and other side as well - lots of sins were covered under that paint...but she'll be good as new real soon.
  6. bartman

    bartman Member

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    just got the new handlebars put on, and man, this is great! they're off a cb550, and it looks like I can still use my mirrors. now if I only had my tank back from paint now!

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