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What amazes me....

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Deadulus, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. Deadulus

    Deadulus Member

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    Dufur, Oregon
    Sorry guys, but I gotta spout some more.

    When I bought my bike, I wasnt really sure what Id gotten myself into....the PO spent more time talking about the sweet Harley he used to have before 'this rice burner'.....but it ran and only cost me $350.

    Long to short....

    While at first reluctant (translated as scared) to do the maintenance this bike desperately needed, a couple weeks of reading on this site got me to a point where I found myself ordering tools and carb boots from Chacal...

    I spent my weeks vacation slowly going through the carbs, RICKOMATIC's old school carb cleaning page constantly up on my computer screen. After cleaning and clunking and sync'ing my carbs slipped on...no hassle! Was it an omen, or portent of as of yet hidden problems???

    I found myself making a vacuum guage, so I could further tweak my carbs, this evening I color tuned, got too dark to chop, will do that tomorrow.....

    I couldnt resist, I took her out for a 20 mile ride, just around the old roads (my first night ride) came upon a herd of deer in the road in one stretch, as I idled threw them they just kinda parted for me....no panicked running and jumping it was...well....kinda cool.

    My neighbor has been watching me as I have gone through everything Ive done on this bike, asking me this and that about what I was doing....told him what I could....tonight as I turned into the little neighborhood I live in, he was in his pasture with one of his horses.

    As I was sitting in my parking spot listening to the well...purring.....of my bike as it sat there idling...he came up. I shut the bike off and he said...

    You going out for a ride?....confused I told him Id just pulled in. He looked confused at me and said....you did?? I didnt hear you come in, what happened to the popping your bike does?

    THAT has made everything Ive done so much more....satisfying.
  2. hickslawns

    hickslawns New Member

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    Good feeling isn't it? congrats and enjoy
  3. treybaxter

    treybaxter Member

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    Well, in my opinion, you have some of the most beautiful rides in the country. From where you are its a postcard view wherever you look. I was up in klamath falls years ago on business, but had time to go into nothern CA, and then up to Crater Lake. God if i would have had a bike. Do the altitude changes affect your bike much as you ride up and change elevation a lot?

    The highest point in mississippi is like 710 feet!
    (of course as out of shape as i am, i'd be gasping for air there!) lol..
  4. MN-Maxims

    MN-Maxims St. Paul Minnesota

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    Saint Paul, MN
    The ride along the coast is the best I think. Have not been out there for some years now but still remember the trees on the coast side of the hwy grew the direction of the wind blowing on them all the time.
    Cruzin I 5 from Portland to the California border is very up and down the mountains. seems like going up for miles and down for miles. Very interesting.
    Oregon Sand Dunes are cool to wish I had my quad runner to check that out too. Nice to live out there I am envious.

    My Friend lives in Coberg just off the freeway and he always rides his bikes even in the winter if the weather will pemit. Not like here in MN where we have 6 months of down time.

    Great to hear another bike runs like its supposed to. Good Luck

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