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Pie, Bacon, Bourbon., from The City of Seven Hills

Moderator Premium Member

Hello everyone. Please ask your technical questions in the forum. I'm not the only person who knows how to make motorcycles work. Sep 24, 2023

k-moe was last seen:
Mar 4, 2025 at 7:49 PM
    1. k-moe
      Hello everyone. Please ask your technical questions in the forum. I'm not the only person who knows how to make motorcycles work.
    2. Tim morris
      Tim morris
      THANKS IN ADVANCE What's the difference between
      xj750 RK&
      Xj 750 RJ
      1. k-moe likes this.
    3. Mavrick9
      Good day, can the xj550 run on just two carburetors?
    4. Bruceedward
      Thank you K-moe for the info on the AGM battery wiring....others on this site said just hook it up directly to a 12 volt source on the solenoid, but I knew that you would have the correct answer to my question. Your wealth of information is always greatly appreciated. Take care, Bruce
      1. k-moe
        They are also correct. Just hooking it to +12 volts will turn the light out. What that won't do is give any warning if the battery voltage drops. I also saw in you thread a link to the thread that includes the method that I usually link to. Despite appearances, I'm not the only person on here that knows stuff. In fact, many of the people on here taught me a fair amount.
        Jun 27, 2017
    5. Bruceedward
      Hi K-moe, its been awhile since I've posted; just want to double check something utilizing your expertise. I have 1982 xj750rj Seca with a AGM battery. Where can I connect the red/white wire that usually goes to the cell sensor on a wet cell battery so the BATT warning stays off?
      1. k-moe
        Connect it to the positive battey terminal, or the positive lead from tne battery at the starter solenoid, with a 5.6 K Ohm resistor in line with the wire.
        Jun 27, 2017
    6. Tmax
      HI.i just joined this group. you guys are really cool. i have an 83 maxim. it has the old clips bars. i want to replace them but i cant get the old ones off. i have removed the nut and washer under the bars and the alen screw but the circles on the top won't allow me to remove the bars. feeling like they want to come off but cant remove them. I've broken two screwdrivers trying to pry the washer looking things off.
    7. Toomanybikes
      Meant to say JBS shocks out of Australia
    8. Toomanybikes
      Hi Moe, I have just got my hands on that 750rl and the shocks are sacked. The stock length is under 12" and thoughts on a good replacement. Have progressive on my 650rjc but have been looking at SBS with the piggyback reservoir
    9. Wagy
      Hey Moe, talked to u when i started resto on my 85 maxim,I did just leave a post u mite like under "what stupid thing ..." I do need some info on the Hitachi HSC33 carbs. But what i need is the float settings for this carb and a link on where the pilot air and main air jets go, my manual is for a maxim X, mine is not , and after u read my "stupid" post , msybe direct me to some good used Y-20 needle valves. LOL
    10. Faster
      Thank you I xhanged brushes cleaned up and turning good
    11. Steve R
      Steve R
      Finished the Seca!!
      1. k-moe likes this.
      2. k-moe
        Congratulations. Post up some pics.
        Jan 18, 2016
      3. Steve R
        Steve R
        Not sure how
        Jan 18, 2016
      4. Steve R
        Steve R
        i uploaded some pics on the DIY forum.
        Jan 18, 2016
    12. joejr2
      I just joined as a premium member and don't have info on when or how I can use premium
      access to the site. Tutorials please! Are there any posted on the site? I completed two xj
      rebuilds, junkers to gems, this summer and would like to share pics.
      1. k-moe
        Sep 2, 2015
      2. joejr2
        K-moe you seem like a rational guy. I'm in Santa Fe Maybe not too far from you,if you are in the desert. Anyhow, I'm trying to get info on both shipping a bike from a seller to myself and the best,most secure method of sending money to a seller,getting the bike I'm paying for etc, Any threads posted about these topics ? Or what would be the best
        forum to start a thread askin the same Qyestions ?
        Sep 10, 2015
      3. k-moe
        My advice is to either use Paypal, or use an escrow service. Most banks can provide that service. I'd start a thread to ask about shipping. I have only shipped a bike once.
        Sep 11, 2015
    13. Luis
      k-moe, I thought you were on the east coast not the west coast.... hence me saying I'm in watertown, which is on the east coast.... my apologies
      1. k-moe
        I'm actualy somewhere in the middle. I figured you were talking about Watertown, SD.
        Jun 15, 2015
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