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Sep 29, 2011
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Seattle, WA

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Active Member, from Seattle, WA

750MaximSeattle was last seen:
Sep 20, 2024
    1. Adkride88
      Saw the listings. I'm interested in the 650 wiring harness, throttle, throttle cable. If the 750 handlebar controls & rectifier are compatible with the 650... I'd be good for those too. Depending on the additional shipping cost, the headers for the 650 too.
    2. Aaron Filmer
      Aaron Filmer
      How much would the 650 gauge cluster be shipped to 12175? Thank you
    3. Mukhtar
      Carbs worked great btw.
      1. 750MaximSeattle likes this.
    4. Mukhtar
      Do you have any more Maxim 750 parts for sale? I need a right side mirror, master cylinder, and battery cover.
      1. 750MaximSeattle
        I do have a nice OEM RH mirror, but no battery cover nor MC.
        Jul 18, 2019
        Mukhtar likes this.
      2. Mukhtar
        A rectangular one? How much for the mirror?
        Jul 28, 2019
      3. 750MaximSeattle
        Yes, its the rectangular black plastic OEM, in good condition - $25. I can send photos, perhaps via email. What's your email address?
        Jul 29, 2019
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  • About

    Seattle, WA
    In 1989 I bought my 1st Maxim, a dark red (black cherry?) xj550.
    Several years ago, I restored a very neglected 1982 xj750 Maxim and made it run.

    Recently finished restoring a 1982 xj650 Maxim. Original owner bought it new in 1985. He rode if for about a year and had to park it since he injured his foot bad enough he could no longer ride. Bike sat for 25 years until the 2nd owner bought it to "bob" it. However, he stripped all the parts only to paint the frame and paint over the engine, which was badly corroded and he didn't manage to clean up all the chalky white corrosion buildup especially between the cooling fins.

    In 2013, I bought the bike from the 2nd owner who gave up on the project, which then consisted of a bare frame and boxes of parts, some missing. And all the chrome parts where badly corroded and had to be replaced. The good news was the bike only had 1,108 miles when I bought it and the frame was not hacked up into a "bobber". Currently, in 2016, I've put over a 1,000 miles on it.

    It's all stock except for the front end, wheels and brakes from a 1982 xv750 Virago. You can tell by the longer forks and the vented front disc. The rear brake drum is larger, just like an xj750. Also, before installing the forks I switched to (new) spindle bearings. The handle bars are from an xj550 Maxim and the grips and mirrors are from a 1982 xz550 Vision. Also, bike used to be red, I found a nice black tank and black side covers. Added LED's front and back for safety.

    2019, latest restoration involved a 1983 xj750K, which had a blown engine and bare bones. Definitely a labor of love. Swapped in nice wheels and a good low mileage engine from a 1982 xj750J, and bought a rare NOS black fuel tank, pristine Midnight Maxim seat, and refinished many brushed aluminum parts, including the side cover frames, side rails, handlebars and some engine covers. Headlight and signals added from an xj650J. New Shinko tires are a great value, at $120 shipped may sound "cheap" but are good tires. Any fresh tire will easily outperform an old (5 years +) expensive tire. Be safe, invest in tires and brakes!
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