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27-Year Marriage Ending Over the XJ750K

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by ksigurdsen, Mar 10, 2025 at 9:06 AM.

  1. ksigurdsen

    ksigurdsen Member

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    Wellington, FL
    I was married for 27 years to a woman who never liked or appreciated my XJ750K that I had owned and enjoyed several years before I ever met her. The title of this post isn't completely factual because the bike wasn't the main reason for the divorce, just one of many. Regardless, it was the first thing that I moved to my bachelor pad this past weekend. This coming Memorial Day will mark 33 very happy years of ownership for this fine machine. May my 1980's Japanese classic never offend my ex-wife's eyes again.
  2. Dave in Ireland

    Dave in Ireland Well-Known Member

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    Alarm bells would have been ringing for me as soon as the first displeasure vocalisation occurred.
    Door, arse, etc.
    ksigurdsen likes this.

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