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82 xj650 for sale (*updated*)

Discussion in 'For Sale, Trade/Swap, Wanted' started by Tman_74, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. Tman_74

    Tman_74 Member

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    North Ridgeville, OH
    I bought my 82 Xj 650 5 months ago. I checked and cleaned the back brakes, i have a set of new pads for the front, the ones on the bike are 50%. Changed the oil, rear diff oil, custom Jardine Mufflers, New plugs. I rebuild the carbs 5 times and can not keep the float levels correct. I replaced the needles and seats, i polished the seats, set the floats witht the tubes. I rejetted from #40 to #42 and #110 to #114. I just split the carbs replaced the shaft seals and o rings. I checked and adjusted the valves. The carb boots are good. I changed the petcock to an aftermarket one. I cleaned the tank and added a fuel filter.

    I am giving up. It has been 5 months and i have put 50 miles on the bike. I just put the carbs back on color tuned, and synced, it ran great yesterday and today a carb float is sticking and had to push it home. I paid $500 for the bike and have $400 in parts. $900 takes it. See my WWW for picks.
    I cleaned the tank and i guess i did not clean it out well enough!!! It left a very odd film in the tank that came off and plugged the fuel filter. The floats seem to have corrected themselves!!! I took it for several rides this weekend , 60 miles total and it runs good!! I think it needs another sync and color tune to get it perfect!!!! If i can sell it for $750 it is gone if not it is going south with me, Some how????
  2. Ltdave

    Ltdave Member

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    as far east as you can get in michigan 43.027407,
    Re: 82 xj650 for sale, i give up!!!!!


    im sorry youve had such a rough go with this bike...

    it looks like youve put an awful lot of work into it. id hate to see you let it go and find that there was just some little overlooked detail...

    i dont know why the bike is doing what it is, maybe if you get a hold of MiCarl (member here) he can talk you through this thing and you can report back saying youve put 5,000 miles on the bike...

    good luck which ever way you go with this...
  3. yamaman

    yamaman Member

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    Staten Island, NY
    Re: 82 xj650 for sale, i give up!!!!!

    I'm almost at the same exact place Tman, 5+5 for me, bout 30 miles in 4 months. sorry dude
  4. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Re: 82 xj650 for sale, i give up!!!!!

    Sounds to me like you're there. I wouldn't give up over a stuck float; little crap like that is going to keep popping up for the first few thousand miles, trust me. It's a 27-year old bike; you've got to works the "kinks" out once it's back on the road. You've taken care of everything you could think of; now the bike is going to give you some NEW stuff to think about.
  5. Tman_74

    Tman_74 Member

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    North Ridgeville, OH
    Re: 82 xj650 for sale, i give up!!!!!

    More info. I was going to take the bike with me when i move next month after reading you responses, but now i will not be able to take it. So is still needs to go!!! It is now listed on craigs list cleveland. If any wants more pics please let me know.
  6. Tman_74

    Tman_74 Member

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    North Ridgeville, OH

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