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Add 18w led light bar to front forks?

Discussion in 'XJ Modifications' started by mrredbaron, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. mrredbaron

    mrredbaron Member

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    Id like to add a led light bar to my front forks to increase visibility, both of me and for me. Is this possible? I dont know much about electrical, but led's dont use a ton of power. This is the model i was just spitballing with

    http://www.amazon.com/18w-LED-Spot-Work ... =Light+bar

    Maybe link it to the high beams switch, or later on incorporate a flasher switch or separate switch assembly. Any input would be helpful, otherwise im gonna velcro a headlamp to my front fender :D
  2. Metal_Bob

    Metal_Bob Active Member

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    Which model/year bike?

    Before you add electrical components, have you upgraded your fuse panel? Have you checked/replaced your alternator's brushes?

    Wiring it into the high beam wire is a decent idea. Many of us drive with our Highs on during the day on purpose anyways.

    I'd use some locktite on any of the mounting screws and/or nylon lock nuts to reduce the chance of the vibrating loose and/or falling off.

    If you go to the hardware store, you might find some black vinyl tubing (often priced by the foot - or precut lengths in a bag). You can run the wires thru them and then run them up to the headlight bucket. It will protect the thin wires and look better.

    Depending on your bike model and it's fender mounting setup, you might be able to do something similar to what I did. I made a custom mounting plate to bolt on with the fender. Then the lights mounted to that plate. An aluminum bar stock (from hardware store) cut to length and 3-4 holes drilled into it is all it takes (plus getting rid of the burrs and sharp corners if you have a grinder).

    Pictures are out of order and if you click on them they get bigger.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    In the last few pictures you should be able to see the vinyl tubing I used. I've since upgraded to better (and more expensive) lights, but I was able to use the same mounting brackets. (Wiring was more involved for the upgrade).

    P.S. I wish I found the lights you pointed out when I tried this project a few years ago...

    P.S.S. Since those lights only come with 12" wires, you have to splice in more wire to reach the headlight bucket. This is another good reason to use the vinyl tubing.
  3. mrredbaron

    mrredbaron Member

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    Wow thanks for the great reply. Looking through search results i found your bike earlier, and really like what youve done with it, looks really good.

    Ive got an 82 xj550 maxim. Id like to switch all the turn signals to LED eventually, and add this front bar. Ill take your advice about the mounting bracket and tubing, both solid plans.

    If youve got any advice or links on alternator restoration/cleaning thatd be helpful im sure its never been done on my bike. I dont know much about electrical so all help is welcom.

  4. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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  5. mtaylor

    mtaylor New Member

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    I know I'm reviving an old thread, but this seems like good stuff for people to see and I can add my own input.

    My bike had an "aux light", I'm not sure if it's a standard feature, but it was about a 5 minute job to simply swap in a 7 inch led bar. $35 CAD off Amazon.ca. The LED used less power (about half the amperage) than the original light, so I didn't have to change any wiring.

    k-moe likes this.
  6. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    do you know the specs on the led light or have a direct link to it?
    is it just a high beam or low beam?
    or is it high /low beam
  7. mtaylor

    mtaylor New Member

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  8. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    The fog light is standard on 81-83 XJ750 models.

    That's a nice setup for seeing others, but might not be as good for being seen (though it will help). Working-theory is that a visual triangle presents as a more serious threat to our "lizard brain".

    I added two spot lamps just above the turn signals, using different bolts in place of the special signal mounting bolts (pics in my showcase). The triangle isn't as big, but I didn't have to fab a mount or mess with long runs of wire to the forks.

    I've considered putting an LED lamp in place of my fog light, but haven't yet mainly because I can run the fog at night with oncoming traffic, but can't run the spot lamps as they are too bright.
  9. mtaylor

    mtaylor New Member

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    The led is definitely not something you could leave on if you have oncoming traffic. A light bar like that can blind a person in broad daylight let alone at night, and blind oncoming motorists are a bad thing. It's more of a deserted country road accessory and it's not the final stage in my lighting plan.
  10. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    I like to know because it is better to get a recomended part that gussing on what is going to work.
    I am going this route to hunt for the roadside moose I try to avoid on my nightly journeys, most of my riding is done at night through Moose ally .
    I like riding late at night more than during the day time, road to myself and the critters. there is something very calming about night riding............

    and thanks for the info
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
  11. mtaylor

    mtaylor New Member

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    For critter dodging you want to look at either a flood bar or dual lights with some tactical outward pointing, then your light is mainly illuminating the ditch as opposed to a spot which is more directed in front. That bar is a flood.

    Also if you want the best you can get and have some cash to spend, a light from a reputable brand like Rigid will output significantly more light and last longer. I take the "buy cheap and buy lots" approach with lighting.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2016
  12. Yardawg

    Yardawg Active Member

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    I did the same thing with my bike. The difference being I used a four inch flood beam made by Auxbeam. Also from Amazon. Awesome light! I really only ride during the day so it's more of a visual for other drivers to see me and then I don't have it on much unless I see a car coming in the distance. I just turn it on momentarily in hopes it will alert them that I'm there. I live in a rural farming area so I don't have to do that very often

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