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can i get someone's opinion?

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by project1, May 28, 2011.

  1. project1

    project1 Member

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    central pennsylvania
  2. OldBikerDude

    OldBikerDude Member

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    Hood River, OR
    Can't really tell by the pictures but it looks like it may be a nice bike. Looks like the current owner may have done some upkeep on it; by the looks of the seats. I would do the basic testing, brakes, look at the color of the oil, see if there are any leaks, does it start easy, shocks?, etc. If he hasn't done a lot of replacement or upkeep then I would see if he would go $1400 but if he has kept up with things and if paint, chrome, lines etc. are in real good shape then it would be worth what he is asking. At least this is my opinion but I am no expert.
  3. xjazz

    xjazz Member

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    Pennsylvania USA
    Looks pretty nice from the photos. Like the previous post, you want to check the bike over well. Find out it it's been ridden on a regular basis or let to sit alot. Better ridden. Also, bikes stored inside always hold up better than those kept outside - they tend to have bits of rust in all the crevices. Alot of the guys on this forum probably have the air-cooled versions, so may not know as much about this bike.

    Here are the basic specs:
    http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/motorcyc ... XMaxim.htm

    I'd try to get the guy down in the $1200 range.
  4. Desinger_Mike

    Desinger_Mike Member

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    Eastern Pennsylvania
    I hate the craigslist photos.
    It looks to be very complete. I just watched a set of the "5-valve" carb covers go for $142 on Ebay (yes, just the little plastic chrome carb covers!)
    From the pics it looks to be in good shape. If it runs well, $1750 isn't a bad price. I sold an airhead this spring in no-where nearly as good of condition (without a backrest, engine guards, highway pegs or a windshield) for $1400.

    It looks like the exhaust headers have a bit of rust but the rest of the exhaust looks good.

    I'd go for it as long as it runs well.
  5. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    If a test ride went well, ...
    I'd buy it.
    I want a X-Bike.

    I like it when the guy next to me, ... at the light ... gets all focused and ready to go ... waiting for the Green. Maybe even tacking-it-up a bit because he's in a bigger hurry to get to the next light than I was, ... until he pulled-up.

    He goes.
    You go.
    He hits 9000 and grabs second.
    When you go by he gets jerked outta-shape because the 20 Valves are invisible.
    When he pulls up next to you at the next light; you flip-up the face shield and look-over and silently move your lips, unintelligibly!
    When he gives you the confused look and says:
    "What did you say? I didn't hear you."
    This time you yell:
    "Is my brake light working OK?"
  6. cutlass79500

    cutlass79500 Well-Known Member

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    lawrenceville georgia
    Designer mike is right its getting harder and harder to find them. Last week in atl cl there was 1 that had sat and wouldnt run for sale for 350 looked good. In the 5 min it took me to get in touch after the add was placed it was gone already. I paid $500 for mine I have $650 in it now pics in another post unbobber project. I am completely going thru carbs throttle saft seals and all over 200 bucks in parts but want it right.
    I bid on those emblems when they were cheap but i think i can fix mine and make them look good for a few bucks

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