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carb synq help from england

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by bikerpoole1, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. bikerpoole1

    bikerpoole1 New Member

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    Hi I have got a 1983 xj 750 chopper style thing is its almost ready to be fired up but after reading some posts on about carb synq and the ycis tool I'm not confident in doing this my self brass plugs are still in my carbs do you guys rekon there is any chance carbs are fine and won't need ajusting. I asked a couple of garages and they didn't have clue about synqing carbs so don't want to pay them to do a rub ish job so I was thinking I maybe just get complete new carbs which don't use the ycis tool but if I did this would engine still run ok and does anybody know what carbs will go on there many thanks from sunny england
  2. MN-Maxims

    MN-Maxims St. Paul Minnesota

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    Saint Paul, MN
    The brass plugs are the idle mixture adjustments. You might want to pull those plugs out so you can fine tune.

    You need to check your valve clearances before you sync or your wasteing your time. Once the valves are in spec you can sync. Provided your carbs are clean and float levels set. There is a thread on syncing here. Just look it up with the forum search tool. Good Luck
  3. skooterbum

    skooterbum New Member

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    just my .02, if you have a chopper, you are going to be wrenching on it on a regular basis, so it would be good to get to know the carbs while you are at it. just my oppinion. the carbs are not that hard. but they can be a challenge sometimes. the brass plugs are not that hard to remove. you just have to be very patient and precise when removing them. if you are mechanically inclined you can do it. do a search on carb rebuilding on this forum and you will find all the info needed to do it. i think it would be a lot less expensive than a new set of carbs. even a set of used carbs should be gone through to make sure they are in tip top shape. as far as the carbs that you have. i would at least remove the float bowls to see what they look like inside. if they are not to dirty / gummed up, then you might be ok to just do a simple clean and run them. but if they are a mess then it would be a good idea to tear into them and get to know how they work. you will be a lot happier knowing you have them running at there best performance. good luck with your bike.
  4. wizard

    wizard Active Member

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    Hi, there are lots of ways to make a YICS tool, all it does is makes each carb draw it's own vacuum for sync'ing, I have even heard of shoving a strip of oily rag down the hole. Why swop out your rack, is it all complete? you would have to clean & sync' another rack anyway.
    You will need to remove the caps over the pilot mixture screws, carefully drill a small hole in the centre of the cap (use a depth stop so you just drill 1/8 " deep) screw in a self tapping screw & yank the suckers out.
    There are some great 'how tos' here on cleaning, bench sync' and vac' sync' read it all & proceed slowly, don't hesitate to ask as you go & post pics'. Good luck. Wiz.
  5. bikerpoole1

    bikerpoole1 New Member

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    Hi guys thanks for the advice I think I'll give it a go

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