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Carbs cleaned, bike still won't idle or run properly. Next steps?

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Mo Info, Jul 31, 2024.

  1. Mo Info

    Mo Info New Member

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    I recently took off and cleaned carbs because engine wasn't running and idling properly. Cleaned them, replaced all of the needles and jets the needles go into as well as their screens.

    Bike will start fully choke but will only stay idling if i constantly give it throttle.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should look at next? The spark plugs are brand new.

    Thanks in in advance, the knowledge shared in this forum is pretty awesome and much appreciated.

    1982 650RJC Seca
  2. Simmy

    Simmy Well-Known Member

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    Did you wet set the float levels?
    Did you perform a running synch?
  3. Timbox

    Timbox Well-Known Member

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    Just trying to find out how the cleaning went? There are so many things that can go wrong with the carbs, you really have to take your time with them. Not to sure how many XJ's you have working on, my first XJ I had to pull the carbs off six times to get them right.

    If the carbs are cleaned by the "church of clean" style cleaning. Other things that can cause these issues you are having is air leaks. How are the boots going from carb to intake? If they are cracked or damaged, an air leak can cause that issue. If you just sprayed carb cleaner on the outside of the carbs to clean them up, that could have caused the "O" rings on the throttle shafts to crack and cause an air leak there.

    We need a little more info of what you have done to carbs and troubleshooting.

    This is the link for cleaning the carbs.

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