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chain stetched out.

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by xdjfrick, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. xdjfrick

    xdjfrick Member

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    in the period of 150 miles, my chain went from having the correct 1inch of slack, to so loose its dragging the center stand. I DID NOT keep it properly lubed.(Please dont judge me, I found this out after reading the owners manual)

    the chain looks old dry and rusted, but do you guys thinks its really possible for it to have stretched out THAT MUCH?? or do i have a bigger problem?
  2. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Yes, and yes. Most likely the chain is rusted internally, and the wear is greatly accelerated as a result. One of my bikes had sat for a long time, and although the chain (and the bike) didn't have very many miles on it, the chain died rapidly once I started riding it; it kept "bleeding red" everytime I'd lube it and not hold adjustment.

    I would strongly recommend replacing both sprockets when you replace the chain; worn-out sprockets will kill a new chain in short order. Chacal carries all the stuff at a very reasonable price.

    And keep that new chain lubed. I try to stay at about a 300-500 mile interval, MAX. Your new chain will require adjusting after the first few hundred miles, but then will hold adjustment for quite a while.

    I've found through experience that the stock spec for chain slack is a bit too tight on the 550s; I run mine at about 40-45mm (1 1/2"-1 3/4") and they're much happier.
  3. stereomind

    stereomind Active Member

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    Might I suggest spending a few extra bucks and getting an o-ring or x-ring chain. They last a lot longer if cared for properly.
  4. xdjfrick

    xdjfrick Member

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    thanks for suggestions, I am ordering the chain from chacal thursday, and I am going to try for the sprockets too, but i may not have the cash.
  5. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    If the sprockets are worn (and the only way to really tell is to compare side-by-side with a brand new one) then they'll just chew your new chain up. If the bike has more than say 8-10K on the original sprockets, then they ARE worn out.

    You can use the standard-grade everything and it will be just like stock.

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