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Converting to minimal wiring scheme 82 xj750 maxim

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by hctbvum, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. hctbvum

    hctbvum New Member

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    I'm in the process of reducing down to the minimal wiring scheme. Found here

    I'd gotten rid of most of the accessories but I'm down to some things that I'm not sure about.

    I'd like to remove the sidestand relay and switch, but there is a diode in the middle of that. What should I do about this? Do I need to short the circuit in order to make sure the bike will run?

    Along with that is the Clutch Switch. It connects to the starting circuit cut-off relay and to the sidestand swith & diode. Can this be removed as well?

    Another question. The minimal wiring diagram says I only need two of the five ignition wires. Will it be too much trouble to try and keep the same ignition/main switch and just use the two wires or would I be better off buying a new main switch?

    thanks in advance
  2. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    Beaver Falls, PA
    if it's not in that picture, you don't need it.
    for the key, just find 2 wires that connect when you turn the key on.
    just so you know it's on you now. hit the starter in gear, it'll jump.
    drive away with the stand down, it don't care
  3. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    You can keep the Stock Ign. Switch.

    The Ign. Switch just bridges +12V to the Ign. Circuit and the +12V (Switched) Circuit.

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