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Did some work today...

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Speedwagon, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. Speedwagon

    Speedwagon Member

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    Littleton, CO
    So I finished the valve clearance adjust today, and the bike runs MUCH better now! While I was at it, I did the petcock rebuild, and replaced the tank cap gasket and petcock gasket.

    I had NO idea the petcock dial was supposed to move so freely! Mine was always so stiff! So hopefully I have solved the fuel leak(slow, but there) from the petcock area now. And I might actually have a seal at the fuel cap now too, as I didn't before. It has become apparent that all my old rubber is wearing out, now that the bike has been back in action for a good year.

    I also tore the exhaust off(the whole thing), and my crossover pipe is almost gone. #1 and 4 downpipes are barely held into the pipe at all, and I can freely move them around with the assembly off the bike. The mufflers are NOT coming off this thing either, so I can only get a whole new assembly. I called a junkyard today, they said they have a 4-1 for $150! That's outrageous, since I can get a NEW 4-1 MAC for $200.

    And I know some have said that you lean out a bit when running a 4-1 instead of a 4-2, but I don't quite understand this. I doubt I can run any leaner than the current open pipes(damn near anyways), but I don't understand why dropping a muffler makes it run leaner.

    Tomorrow, the new clutch cable goes on, and hopefully I can get a new brake lever that fits soon, so I don't have half a lever there anymore. Then it's onto SS brake lines(after the exhaust is fixed, that is)!
  2. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    You are my kinda guy. I rescued my Max too ... I had to rebuilt the whole bike. Cleaning it; first ... after it sat outside, under a pine tree for a long, long time. Just keep the pressure on. Soon enough the coal turns into diamond!

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