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Estimated value of old bike inquiry

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by KennyNapalm, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. KennyNapalm

    KennyNapalm Member

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    Calgary AB
    hey all,

    im lookin at used bikes with my brother, and we've seen some garbage out there let me tell you. it seems like everyone is expecting a return investment on their bike as opposed to selling it for a good price.
    saw a Honda nighthawk, which had rust in the tank, rusty bat terminals, and needs a new back tire, and a new battery. it runs with a boost, but the guy wanted abuot 1500 for it. the only good part of the bike was the milage, around 18000miles. i thought that was a little much considering, but maybe you have a different opinion.

    also a suzuki gs, thats being sold as a project bike with 60 000 kms, and parts. it runs, but is a bit rough for sure. buddy wants 500 bucks for it. in my humble opinion, it seems like the engine is gonna go at any time, and would need to be replaced at that point. i would assume this devalues it pretty substantially, but wanted to ask,

    for either bike, with the limited details i gave (sorry about that) you think its worth it?

    and how do you go about telling someone he is asking far too much for a 1979 with so many miles or problems?

    thanks all for the opinions
  2. hbennick

    hbennick Member

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    The nighthawk seems high to me as well, but Hondas always go for a little more than feels right to me. I might offer 1000, but it should have no cosmetic issues at that point. You would be able to have it on the road at 1500 or so. On the GS, the price might not be horrible. Eventually, you hit a price bottom. You could part that bike out for about $500 if you wanted to. Mileage is high, but not crazy. I would keep surfing Craigslist, find something you like, and start making offers that you are comfortable with. Eventually, it'll all click.
  3. tcoop

    tcoop Active Member

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    South Weber, Utah
    Nighthawks (depending on year and condition) will sell for $1000 to $2500 If it is newer that 95 it might be an OK deal but I would not buy it for more that 800 and if it is an older Nighthawk maybe $500-$600

    If you value your friendship with the guy that owns the suzuki just tell him that if he ever just wants to get rid of it you would take it for $200 other wise keep looking something will turn up.
  4. BK82XJ

    BK82XJ New Member

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    Round Lake, IL
    Right now we are hitting the peak of the season so the prices are a bit high. As we come closer to fall and the opportunities to ride are fewer the prices will go down. I bought mine at the end of last season and it killed me to keep it in the garage all winter but I am happy now and the deal was good and I didn't even low ball the guy...he did that to himself. That also brings me to my next point...patience. This was the toughest one for me but the right deal will come along. People move and can't take it with them; or they pass away and the spouse wants to unload it; or it is taking up space in the garage because they just bought another bike and it just needs to go; there are a million reasons for a bike to be for sale. In about 4-6 weeks in my area (Chicago) the prices will start to come down so I say at this point the seller is just trying to get top dollar in prime season. I say let him sit on it and as we go father into the season the price will start coming down. As far as your friends bike he is probably selling it figuring that it may be worth that for parts...just a guess. Don't talk yourself into thinking it is the right deal...if it is take a shot...if not move on.
    Personal note from my experience: You never lend a friend money...you give it to them and never expect to see it again if you want to remain friends and never buy or sell any type of vehicle to a friend or relative. You will blame or be blamed for everything that ever happens to go wrong.

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