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First Bike

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by ramen, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. ramen

    ramen New Member

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    Oshkosh, WI
    I'm glad I found this place. Everyone here seems so helpful.

    A little about the bike:
    She's a 1982 750 SECA. I bought her last weekend for the tidy sum of $600 dollars from a friend of a friend. The guy claimed to have parked her in the garage last year after the clutch cable started to fray.

    She looked to be complete except for:
    -shot clutch cable
    -no battery
    -missing the battery cover

    I put a new battery in and ran into problems. Nothing seemed to work, no lights or anything. Turns out the fuse block seems to be a problem area with these bikes. I rigged a temporary solution with inline fuses. I had pulled the plugs just in case it was flooded because I noticed that the petcock on the tank was in the ON position.

    The plugs on the right side were slightly tan but looked good. The plugs on the left side, however, were black. So I definitely am going to have to check the carbs out. I'm hoping that since the guy claimed to have parked it last year that all the carbs need is to be synced.

    Anyway, back on track. After the cobbled together mess I made of the fuse block, she turns over good. Sounds like the starter is strong.

    So it looks like all I have to do is find an aftermarket fuse block to make a more permanent repair, change the fluids, install new plugs, add some gas and see if she fires up.

    Sorry about the long post. I'm a little excitable and all. Could someone maybe tell me how to find out exactly what model XJ750 I have? I don't know if I have an XJ750, XJ750M, XJ750R, or what have you.

    Hopefully this weekend will be the first ride. Wish me luck!
  2. danno

    danno Member

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    Union Springs,New York
    Welcome,ramen. Your bike is a Seca XJ 750 R. Best of luck to you with your bike !
  3. kontiki

    kontiki Member

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    Columbia, SC
    Can't beat that deal for $600. A little TLC and a few parts here and there and you'll get to enjoy her for a long time. XJ's are great bikes I've gotten a few compliments on my old 'classic' looking XJ650 hehe
  4. MiCarl

    MiCarl Active Member

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    Livonia, MI (Metro Detroit)

    Sounds like a great find.

    Danno, left off one of the letters. Your full model number is XJ750RJ, the J being the designator for a 1982 model year.

    XJ=model line.

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