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Fuel in carbs but bike won't start 1983 XJ750

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by maxsauve, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. maxsauve

    maxsauve New Member

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    So when I got the bike, it was running but poorly, started perfectly but had vacuums leaks. So I decided to take the carbs out end clean them up.

    Took them apart of each other, disassembled, blew carb cleaner and compress air in every hole, bench synced them.

    Put them on the bike to see the result and nothing... I sprayed starter fluid and fuel and the bike started fine, so it's not engine related.

    The setup for the test:

    - carbs installed on engine
    - tried choke, nothing...
    - 2 1/2 turn each fuel/air screw (I bumped them up when I was trying to start, to see if it wasn't letting any fuel but no success)
    - gas tank installed with gravity feed petcock
    - NO AIR BOX, so just straight up

    I checked to see if there where any gas in the float bowls and it did! So I checked the float height with a the clear tube and gas and I noticed that 3 of the floats level where over the spec ( 3 mm from the edge). So basically too much fuel in the bowls. But would that affect the no start problem?

    So basically what I went to know is what should I do? I'm gonna set the floats to their spec but should I check anything else? What hole or jet should I check in particular for idle/start issues? Also is it possible that running without airbox could affect anything? As if it didn't have enough pressure/suction to pull gas from the carbs?
  2. Xjrider92117

    Xjrider92117 Active Member

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    Lwmcd1 likes this.
  3. Timbox

    Timbox Well-Known Member

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    Looks like you are going in the right direction. When you say you have cleaned the carbs, did you take the emulsion tubes out? Did you make sure the air is passing through the little hole/jet in the bottom of the fuel bowels? These carbs have some almost hidden places in them that really need to be cleaned out. If you are not used to cleaning these type of carbs you can miss the enrichment ckt. The emulsion tubs are what the

    The icon on the top right corner of every page is a great source of information and parts. This is the bible of cleaning (IMHO) of the carbs. https://www.xjbikes.com/forums/threads/in-the-church-of-clean.14692/ Follow that and your carbs will be clean.

    Good luck and keep us posted.
  4. maxsauve

    maxsauve New Member

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    Yes I removed and cleaned the emultion tube, saw air going through every hole and I passed a guitar string through every hole.

    I placed my hand in front of carb numb. 3 and 4 while starting the bike to create some restriction and the bike fired up and the rpm's when crazy. So I installed the airbox to see if that would make a difference but nothing, it popped a once or twice but never started...
  5. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    simple first. throttle cable and choke cable in correct places?
    throttle goes into cup between carb 2 and 3 choke into clamp between carb 3 and 4,
    throttle cable adjusted properly a little slack in cable

    did you bench sync the carbs?.

    with choke on rpm will rise if rpm are still high when choke off start by backing off the idle adjustment knob.

    also check that all nipples are capped and manifold boots are on correctly and tight.
    Bilalgio likes this.

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