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fuel mixture screws

Discussion in 'For Sale, Trade/Swap, Wanted' started by thechuck, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. thechuck

    thechuck Member

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    Manch, NH
    so i am plugging away on my hardtail build and have found the suspected gremlin that put this beast to rest- stripped air fuel screws. i had no intentions on letting this motor or project go. i am certainly on a strick budget (like that even needed to be said) and need to weigh options. i performed delicate surgery and was successful in extracting all four @#$%^$#. it was a battle, though managed to keep threads intact 8) . "pats on back." i could really use some help sourcing these out. anybody got 4 idle mixture screws they would part with for cheap? or perhaps 4 sombodies with 1 idle mixture screw. i will go to chacal if have to but really dont have 55 bucks to just drop, especially if can source cheaper. thanx and to all good luck this year.
  2. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    near utica, new york

    do you have the fine thread or the coarse thread screws? I have SOME, but PM me and let's see what we can do for you.

    Dave Fox (middle of snowbound NY state) :) That's ok....we just break out the sleds now.

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