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Mikuni BS34 Adjustment Screw Setting

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by 3BadBirds, May 12, 2024.

  1. 3BadBirds

    3BadBirds Member

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    North East USA
    I'm in the process of cleaning a set of Mikuni BS34 carbs for a XJ1100. The person I got them from didn't know much about them other than the "bike ran" but the carbs needed a "good cleaning". I broke them down and they appear to be in decent shape but was surprised that all the idle adjustment screw were set anywhere from 3 to 4.5 turns out. Doesn't this seem excessive!? I thought most Mikunis called for 1.5 to 2 turns out. I know these settings can be affected by the condition of the pilot jet so I was wondering if I should set them back to where I found each one or go with the typical (I think) 2 turns out???


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