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need starter controls

Discussion in 'XJ Modifications' started by xdjfrick, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. xdjfrick

    xdjfrick Member

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    need to fix my right control assembly(81'550 maxim), and i dont want to spend alot. my starter button button is missing, and i may have a bad solenoid and relay. Right now i either have to push start or jump the solenoid with screwdriver. any ideas on where to start? to replace everything with OEM parts would be like $250-300.
  2. parts

    parts Member

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    prescott valley az
    well you could try this.

    my switch had to be replaced and cheap! so i took a switch
    from an old space heater (red on/off switch with light)
    and ran the ignition wires to that, used a good adhesive to attach
    under the the control botton.

    it looks fine and you really don't notice it unless you look close.

    keep in mind the new switch may not be spring loaded and you'll
    have to turn it to the off position once the bike starts.

    i've had it on the last 6 months or so and have not felt the need
    to replace it (untill i find a new control ass'y in new condition).

    if your head light/highbeam ends up affected by this fix,you can run
    a wire from the poss batt term with a 10 amp in line fuse to another
    switch that you place in a convinient spot.run the poss/ng wire straight to
    the back of the headlamp connector so you dont have to cut any wires.
    the purists will say to run the wires from the altinator or fuse block and i'm possitive thats the better way.
    i just ran mine like this because i needed to do it FAST and i have had no
    trouble yet. keep the terminal clean.
    oh ya, i ran seperate wires and fuses for high/low beam so i can use both when needed. plus i lke being able to keep my head light off while
    warming up the bike.

    this whole fix cost about $10.00 for the light switchs and the fuse,
    but you can salvage the parts from old CB's, radios etc.
    good luck.
  3. xdjfrick

    xdjfrick Member

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    Thanks! I think ill try this.
  4. parts

    parts Member

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    prescott valley az
    i forgot to add that all the wires can be hidden.
    including the one switch with two posts,i mounted for the
    high/low beams.
    for these, i ran under the tank from the batt to the switch ( switch
    is between handle bar clamps ) then through the same path as the
    rest of the loom into the headlight.
    to hide these use the same black plastic wire covers you see
    under the hood of your car. they work great and really do a
    good job.
    Radio shack is a good place to get switches, lots of choices for
    under $5.00.
    ask for a double pole single throw switch-good luck.

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