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ok, it's not the wiring...

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by codydenver, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. codydenver

    codydenver New Member

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    I've checked everything! It isn't the wiring. Everything is plugged in where it should be, but the neutral light will not come on and the bike will not start. even if I pull in the clutch... Again, it worked before I took it a part a month ago (no problems) now? not a clue.. what should I be looking for? BTW the tranny is in neutral.
  2. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    Did you put the correct safety circuit RELAYS intot heir proper places in the wiring harness. Since they are all the same size and connector pin configuration, raly "A" will fit where relay "B" is supposed to be, etc.........but of course won't perform correctly........
  3. chacal

    chacal Moderator Moderator Supporting Vendor Premium Member

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    The room where it happened
    One of the most frustrating problems you can run into is a bike that refuses to crank over, or will crank over but won't ever fire. Assuming it's not an engine (fuel or mechanical condition) issue, then it may be caused by your electrical system; more specifically, by the rather unique system of inter-related devices that Yamaha collectively refers to as their "safety switch system". Consisting of assorted switches, relays and their wiring, you may to start doing some heavy-duty electrical sleuthing in order to determine where the problem resides.

    Curiously, Yamaha used the "type" of relays in a variety of different positions for their safety system, and although they all look virtually identical to each other, they in fact all perform differently. But since they are all interchangable......a headlight relay, for instance, will happily plug into the sidestand relay wiring harness connector shell....the first thing to do is to make sure that each relay is correct and in its correct position. An incorrectly positioned relay will typically not work, or work "incorrectly", when placed at the wrong position in the harness.

    If that doesn't do it, you have to start checking all of the other components......the actual switches or sensors, the diode block, etc.

    The actual electrical testing of each relay differs by relay, and sometimes by model bike, and for that type of information, we will refer you to your factory or aftermarket service manual for further guidance. Make sure you have a volt-ohmeter at your disposal to check these relays.

    NOTE: many of the factory and aftermarket service manuals and the factory parts diagram sometimes mis-label a relay's function----for instance, calling a sidestand relay the headlight relay----or, mis-placing the relay in their diagrams----for example, showing the starter cut-off relay mounted in position "A" and the sidestand relay in positions "B", when in reality their positions are exactly opposite!

    Also, please note that the factory and aftermarket manuals are not always very clear as to where a particular device is physically located on a specific model---in some cases, text such as "this relay is located "somewhere" on the bike"---would actually be more helpful than their generic shadow-bike drawings and "pointing-to-somewhere" arrows that passes for a location guide.

    And finally, to throw a little extra salt into those pesky electrical wounds, the factory and aftermarket manuals are sometimes not quite clear or correct in illustrating the relay testing procedures needed.......in particular, the Haynes manual is somewhat of a mess, as diagrams are mis-placed or hard-to-follow while they try to cram multiple testing procedures for a similar relay onto a single page or pages.

    Luckily, relays are hardy little devices, and rarely fail completely; more than likely, they are either mis-placed, or dirty (rusty) inside, and a gentle and graceful removal of the outer can will reveal their little electrical guts, which can them be cleaned with electrical contact cleaner, etc., and thus lovingly restored to their functional beauty.

    Headlight Relay:

    - small metal "cube" relay, inked 3H5-00 on the top face.
    - has a yellow (yellow) paint mark on the bottom terminal connector block.
    - plugs into a connector shell which has the following set of wires going to it:

    Harness connector wire colors:
    - on all XJ550 all models, XJ650 all models (except Turbo):
    * Blue wire with black tracer stripe
    * solid White wire
    * Red wire with yellow tracer stripe
    * solid Black wire

    - on all 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models:
    * Blue wire with black tracer stripe
    * White wire with blue tracer stripe
    * Red wire with yellow tracer stripe
    * solid Black wire

    - on all XJ550 models: under the gas tank, in-between the frame tubes, on a welded bracket just behind the flasher self-canceller relay.
    - on all XJ650 Maxim/Midnight Maxim/RJ Seca models: behind left side cover, below the TCI and Regulator-Rectifier unit.
    - on all 1981-83 XJ750 Seca models: behind the left side cover, below the TCI and Regulator-Rectifier unit.

    All other models do not use a headlight relay.

    Starter Cut-Off (clutch-in-neutral) Relay:

    - small metal (original) or plastic (replacement) "cube" relay, inked 4H7-00, 4H7-01, or 12R-01 on the top face.
    - has no colored paint mark on the bottom terminal connector block.
    - sometimes labelled in factory diagrams as a "clutch switch unit" or an "ignition cut-off" relay.
    - plugs into a connector shell which has the following set of wires going to it:

    Harness connector wire colors:
    - on all XJ550 all models, XJ650 all models, XJ750 all non-X models, and XJ1100 models:
    * Red wire with white tracer stripe
    * another Red wire with white tracer stripe
    * Black wire with yellow tracer stripe
    * solid Light blue (sky blue) wire

    - on all XJ900 models:
    * Red wire with white tracer stripe
    * another Red wire with white tracer stripe
    * Black wire with yellow tracer stripe
    * solid Light blue (sky blue) wire
    * another solid Light blue (sky blue) wire
    * White wire with red tracer stripe

    - on all XJ550 models: in front of the coil rear mounting bracket.
    - on all XJ650 Maxim/Midnight Maxim/RJ Seca models: under the gas tank, in-between the frame tubes, on a welded bracket just behind the flasher self-canceller relay.
    - on all XJ650 Turbo models: on the right side of front fairing main support bracket.
    - on all XJ700 and XJ750-X models: below and behind the gas tank, on a welded bracket on the frame cross-tube.
    - on all 1981-84 XJ750 Maxim/Midnight Maxim/Seca models: under the gas tank, in-between the frame tubes, on a welded bracket just behind the flasher self-canceller relay.
    - on all XJ900 models: under the seat, in the "electrical tray".
    - on all XJ1100 models:

    Sidestand Relay:

    - small metal (original) or plastic (replacement) "cube" relay, inked 4U8-00, 4U8-01, or 4U8-02 on the top face.
    - has a blue paint mark or blue locking tab shroud on the bottom of it.
    - plugs into a connector shell which has the following set of wires going to it:

    Harness connector wire colors:
    - on all XJ550, all 1982-84 XJ650, XJ700, XJ750 models, all XJ900, and XJ1100 models:
    * Red wire with white tracer stripe
    * Black wire with white tracer stripe
    * Blue wire with yellow tracer stripe
    * solid Black wire

    - on all XJ550 models: left side, onto a welded bracket just behind the rear frame cross tube.
    - on all 1982-84 XJ650 Maxim models: onto a welded bracket outbound of the left outer frame tube, just behind the left coil.
    - on all XJ650RJ Seca models: under the front of the tank, behind the turn signal flasher relay.
    - on all XJ650 Turbo models: on the right side of the bike, below the TCI unit.
    - on all XJ700 and XJ750-X models: under the left side cover, above the Regulator-Rectifier unit.
    - on all 1981-84 XJ750 Maxim/Midnight Maxim/Seca models: onto a welded bracket outbound of the left outer frame tube, just behind the left coil.
    - on all XJ900 models: under the seat, in the "electrical tray".
    - on all XJ1100 models:

    Emergency Stop Relay:

    - small metal (original) or plastic (replacement) "cube" relay, inked 4U8-00, 4U8-01, or 4U8-02 on the top face.
    - has a blue paint mark or blue locking tab shroud on the bottom of it.
    - plugs into a connector shell which has the following set of wires going to it:

    Harness connector wire colors:
    - on all XJ650 Turbo models:
    * Red wire with white tracer stripe
    * Red wire with white tracer stripe
    * Red wire with black tracer stripe
    * White wire with black tracer stripe

    - on all XJ650 Turbo models: under the gas tank, in-between the frame tubes, on a welded bracket.

    Fuel pump relay:

    - small metal (original) or plastic (replacement) "cube" relay, inked 5A8-00 on the top face.
    - has a red paint mark on the bottom of it.
    - plugs into the connector shell which has the following set of wires going to it:

    Harness connector wire colors:
    - on all XJ650 Turbo models:
    * Blue wire with black tracer stripe
    * Red wire with black tracer stripe
    * another Red wire with black tracer stripe
    * White wire with blue tracer stripe

    - on all XJ650 Turbo models: on the left side of front fairing main support bracket.

    For those people who would prefer the above list by model, well, seek no more:

    For those people who would prefer the above list by model, well, seek no more:

    XJ550 models:

    Flasher: rear of coil rear mounting bracket
    Flasher canceller: behind coils
    Starter solenoid: under the right side cover, behind the access panel, below the regulator
    Ignition cut-off relay (no color): front of coil rear mounting bracket
    Sidestand relay (blue): left side, behind rear frame cross tube
    Headlight relay (yellow): behind coils, behind flasher canceller
    Diode block: in headlight housing

    XJ650 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models:

    Flasher: near the steering headpipe, on right side frame rail, under the right
    side coil.
    Flasher canceller: under the rear of gas tank, behind coils
    Starter solenoid: on right hand side, attached to and behind battery box
    Diode block: in headlight housing

    '80-1 Ignition cut-off relay (no color): behind self-canceller!! (note: the drawing and the description in the service manual is wrong).
    '80-1 Sidestand relay (blue): did not use
    '80-1 Headlight relay (yellow): behind left side cover, below regulator!! (note: the drawing and the description in the service manual is wrong).

    '82-4 Ignition cut-off relay (no color): ??????????
    '82-4 Sidestand relay (blue): frame bracket outbound of LH frame tube, just behind the LH coil
    '82-4 Headlight relay (yellow): ?????????

    XJ650RJ Seca and XJ750 Euro models:

    NOTE: according to the factory XJ650RJ Seca service manual supplement, both the headlight relay and the sidestand relay are under the tank---this is wrong!

    It also shows that the ignition cut-off relay is below the TCI?---this is also wrong!

    Flasher: near the steering headpipe, on right side frame rail, under the right side coil.
    Flasher canceller: under the rear of gas tank
    Starter solenoid: on right hand side, attached to and behind battery box
    Ignition cut-off relay (no color): on 650RJ and 650 Euro models, located behind self-canceller, under rear of tank (note: the drawing and the description in the service manual is wrong).
    Sidestand relay (blue): behind the flasher relay, under the front of the tank
    Headlight relay (yellow): under the left side cover, below the TCI (note: the drawing and the description in the service manual is wrong).
    Diode block: in headlight housing

    XJ650 Turbo models:

    Flasher: under gas tank
    Flasher canceller: below TCI unit on right side of bike, behind sidestand relay
    Starter solenoid: on left hand side, attached to and behind battery box
    Ignition cut-off relay (no color): located on right side of headlight/fairing main support bracket
    Sidestand relay (blue): below TCI unit on right side of bike
    Headlight relay (yellow): not used
    Fuel pump relay (red): located on left side of headlight/fairing main support bracket
    Emergency stop relay (blue): under gas tank
    Diode block:

    XJ700 and XJ750-X models:

    Flasher: combined with ignition cut-off relay
    Flasher canceller: combined with ignition cut-off relay
    Starter solenoid: attached to and behind battery box
    Ignition cut-off relay (no color): behind gas tank on frame tube cross-brace
    Sidestand relay (blue): under left side cover, above regulator
    Headlight relay (yellow): not used
    Diode block: under left side cover, above regulator
    Main fuseholder: behind frame crossbar, behind the battery

    XJ750 Maxim and Midnight Maxim models:

    Flasher: near the steering headpipe, on right side frame rail, under the right side coil.
    Flasher canceller: under the rear of gas tank
    Starter solenoid: attached to and behind battery box
    Ignition cut-off relay (no color): behind self-canceller, under rear of tank
    Sidestand relay (blue): frame bracket outbound of LH frame tube, just behind the LH coil
    Headlight relay (yellow): not used
    Diode block: in headlight housing

    1981-83 XJ750 Seca and XJ750 Euro models:

    Flasher: near the steering headpipe, on right side frame rail, under the right side coil.
    Flasher canceller: under the rear of gas tank
    Starter solenoid: attached to and behind battery box
    Ignition cut-off relay (no color): behind coils, behind self-canceller
    Sidestand relay (blue): frame bracket outbound of LH frame tube, just behind the LH coil
    Headlight relay (yellow): behind left side cover, below regulator
    Diode block: in headlight housing

    XJ900 models:

    Flasher: in the "electrical tray" under seat
    Flasher canceller: in the "electrical tray" under seat
    Starter solenoid: attached to rear of battery box
    Ignition cut-off relay (no color): in the "electrical tray" under seat
    Sidestand relay (blue): in the "electrical tray" under seat
    Headlight relay (yellow): not used
    Diode block: in the "electrical tray" under seat
  4. codydenver

    codydenver New Member

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    what if I never touched any of these? Just unplugged bullet connectors..
  5. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    Go to the Hardware Store and buy several small alligator clips.

    Make an "A - B - C" jumper wire.

    An alligator clip on each END of an 8-Inch Wire.
    FOLD the wire in half.
    Strip the loop and add the 3rd alligator clip.

    You got a 3-way Jumper.

    Unplug the Pigtail from the Ignition Switch to the Bikes Wiring Harness.
    The Wiring Harness has 3 Wires going to the Switch.

    Clip the BLUE Wire to the BROWN Wire.
    (Listen carefully ...!!)
    Tap the 3rd Clip to the RED Wire and LISTEN for a Relay.

    If you hear the Relay click ... connect the jumper to the RED Wire and Start the Bike.

    Bike Starts ... Yes ... Ignition Switch is Bad.
    No Start ... further troubleshooting necessary requiring a Test Light and a 9Volt Source

    9 Volt Source.
    Radio Shack.

  6. codydenver

    codydenver New Member

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    No start.....
  7. codydenver

    codydenver New Member

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    I know it's not the ignition switch, the oil light comes on when I turn the key..
  8. yamaman

    yamaman Member

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    I heard that diode block in the headlight bucket is a bitch to troubleshoot. What about that guys?
  9. fiveofakind

    fiveofakind Well-Known Member

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    Re: ok, it's not the wiring... relay question - Please help

    Chacal states above:

  10. mdee

    mdee Member

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    Try the kill switch (on right handlebar) in the other position.
  11. fiveofakind

    fiveofakind Well-Known Member

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    Thats not the problem.....the starter will crank but have no spark to any plug....
  12. mdee

    mdee Member

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    So codydenver & fiveofakind are troubleshooting the same bike? What is bike we are troubleshooting?

    codydenver had no bikes listed at start of this thread, then he has 10 bikes.
    fiveofakind lists one bike.
    (Maybe I’ve come late to a party that started on another thread?)

    How have you determined it has no spark?

    With bike turning over, measure for voltage at the primary side of the coils (do not try to measure voltage on the secondary side that plugs to spark plugs).
  13. fiveofakind

    fiveofakind Well-Known Member

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    San Diego, CA
    I apologize for hijacking the initial thread......

    I was discussing my bike....a '1982 XJ750J Maxim......

    Sorry for the confusion.....I should have started my own thread but didnt want rewrite Chacal & Rickomatic very good explanation of the relays..thats all....

    Again, sorry for the confusion.....was just trying to get a little help on my bike......

  14. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    It helps to be able to detect if the Relay is actually working right.

    A Test Light and a couple of these 9V Battery Holders will help you:
    a) Map the Relay if the Various Terminals are unmarked.
    b) Test the Relays Contacts and Electromagnet.

    9V Battery Test Lead -- RadioShack


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