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selling parts bike

Discussion in 'For Sale, Trade/Swap, Wanted' started by thechuck, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. thechuck

    thechuck Member

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    Manch, NH
    I am getting rid of the access parts I got layn around my parents house. All parts are from an '82 550 maxim with relatively low miles. I looked at the tach but the number is evading my brain. I will guess its less than 12,000, and will update with specifics. I have the frame including forks, engine, complete carb set up, wiring harness, instrument panel, and rear seat plastic. I was told the engine runs, and judging from condition of other pieces, and the fact it turns over smoothly, he may be right. All is at best offer. I would like to get rid of whole shabang, but am not against parting it out. Send me a pm if interested. Thanx
  2. vintagerice

    vintagerice Member

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    New Hampshire
    Hey there... I am in your neck of the woods... Did I understand you correctly? You have a 650 but this is a 550 parts bike?


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