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Shifter assembly XJ750

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Dwmadsen, Feb 17, 2022.

  1. Dwmadsen

    Dwmadsen Member

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    Bay Area California
    Purchased non-running 1984 XJ750. Replaced alt chain, closed up the case, slipped the engine back into the frame, bike runs fine but would not shift properly. Back out with the motor, spit the case, ensures the shift prawns were in properly, closed the case and attempted to shift through the gears. Things don’t seem right. Looking at the shifter cogs, wheels, and springs, I noticed there are three dowels between the drum and the ‘segment’. Parts list shows four, but quantity is three. There appears to be room for five (five holes in the ‘segment’). Also, the ‘segment’ has five lobes and a smaller lobe (I assume this is neutral).

    So…my questions are:
    (1) what are the correct number of dowels
    (2) what are the orientation of the dowels with respect to the ‘neutral’ lobe
  2. XJ550H

    XJ550H Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Great North Woods
    an 84 750? what sstyle? the 750s ended in 83.
    I would suggest you check the vin to id it properly.
    this link will help you
    TECH TOPIC: Model ID and VIN's

    spam like post may be due to trying to add links and photos before you reach the minimum amount of posts required
  3. Dwmadsen

    Dwmadsen Member

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    Bay Area California
    Also, I resolved the shifting issue. The solution appeared to be having the neutral dimple on the shift drum to be in the 6 o’clock position when reassembling.

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