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Sticky front brakes

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by fordguy101, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. fordguy101

    fordguy101 Member

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    Hey guys I have been toying with this issue for about a week finally decided to ask for advice, Mounted a new front tire put the rim and brakes all back together rode around the block and immediately noticed the front wheel drag and sure enough the rotor was smokin hot and once jacked up the wheel would only spin hesitantly at best for like half a rotation. compressed piston put new pads on and was slightly better/ its like once I aplly the brakes the piston is having trouble returning to open. After work I am going to take it apart again and try cto get the piston out as far as I can and maybe just clean it up? Any ideas I have very little experience with hydro discs. thanx for the help guys
  2. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    You need to rebuild the caliper, plain and simple.

    The seals need to be replaced; and even more importantly the channels they sit in need to be DENTALLY clean or the problems will continue with the new seals. You also need to rebuild the master cylinder.

    Truth be told, you need to completely rebuild the brakes.

    The original caliper and master cylinder seals and brake lines all had a (4) year recommended lifespan. Needless to say, the originals are well beyond any margin of safety that might have been designed in. If you rebuild only the caliper, your M/C becomes the new "weak link" until it's rebuilt then it becomes the lines that you don't want to trust your life to.
  3. jmilliken

    jmilliken Well-Known Member

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    Dillsburg, PA
    there is your answer. Stop riding until it is done. You are courting disaster.
  4. fordguy101

    fordguy101 Member

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    I like to live dangerously! j/k, just found a good project fort this weekend thnx guys Il get ordering!

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