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Taming the XJ1100 Octopus

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by 3BadBirds, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. 3BadBirds

    3BadBirds Member

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    North East USA
    I'm in the process of restoring an XJ1100 and want to keep the bike as original as possible. I rebuilt the Mikuni's and want to add a couple of in-line filters that were not originally there. The factory routing of the fuel lines and orientation of the petcock outlets makes it just about impossible to do this, however. Does it matter if I just crisscross everything - meaning that the right petcock would now feed the left two carbs and visa-versa? This would give me more room to incorporate the filters.

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  2. Roast644

    Roast644 Well-Known Member

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    I did this same thing and I believe I did criss-cross the lines to give some extra slack, so from the inlet Tees on the carbs the lines start heading down, then cross and loop under the boots. The filters ended up vertical between the intake boots. I tried this initially with regular braided rubber fuel line, and there was zero chance of making it work. Got some 1/4" ID vinyl line and that worked reasonably well, although everything was still very tight.

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