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The dreaded oil thread for a new owner

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by wtmtdfl, May 30, 2008.

  1. Jim_Vess

    Jim_Vess Member

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    Sorry about the "parroting" comment. It was a bad choice of words.

    Twenty years ago, I used Castrol GTX exclusively in my '68 Camaro Z28 and probably still would if I still owned that car (I wish I still did. I sold it for $6K then and it would be worth close to $40K today).

    Now when the heck is Spinalator gonna start sharing his popcorn?
  2. cycleman

    cycleman Member

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    This sounds a lot like a bunch of guys sitting around arguing about which brand of beer is better. One good thing about the web you at least can't here the shouting or nashing of teeth.

    Brand type or dino/sync doesn't matter. A lot of it is marketing hype.

    What does is it designed for use in a wet clutch equipped motorcycle. As long as it meets the JASO motorcycle standards and the weight range falls in line with what the manufacture recommends that's all that needs to be said.

    All I'm going to say is that you really have to treat you and your bike to a modern good brand of true motorcycle synthetic motor oil. The whole bike works better with guieter startups, easier shifting, gains in idle speed ( you have to slow it down slightly), a few more miles per hour at a given RPM and so on. It is amazing stuff.

    Maybe we all should lighten up and not take ourselves to seriously. If we all did exactly the same thing it would be a pretty boring place.
  3. Jim_Vess

    Jim_Vess Member

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    If you think this thread is interesting, just wait until we get started on the "mine's bigger" thread. :p
  4. MiCarl

    MiCarl Active Member

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    FOUL! The gear ratio is the same no matter what oil you put in.
  5. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    My concern is that the Synthetic boast of being to be able to provide protection well beyond what we'd consider a routine oil change interval.

    Take my '04 Chevy Monte Carlo for example.
    Chevy recommends Mobil-1 Synthetic Oil 5W/30.
    Chevy says that Mobil-1 in the Monte will outlast any other Oil and doesn't need to be changed until the Oil Life Monitor flashes on and indicates the current fill has has had it.

    Depending upon how you drive that interval might extend to over a year on the same Oil.
    Despite the claim of not needing to change the Synthetic ... I change it at
    5 or 6-thousand mile increments and reset the Monitor.

    We should be advising the Membership to CHANGE their oil in the bikeks not run it longer.
    The engines work hard and some "Use" if they are aged, which all are in calendar years, but some not so in terms of mileage.

    My thoughts are to advise the Member making an inquiry about what Oil to use to do the best thing for his ride.
    That's why I recommended the Oil I do.

    Recommending something other than what I know is good protection and best for the clutches is why I indicated the brand and viscosity I have always mentioned.

    I'm not a stockholder of Castrol.
    Not their pitchman, either.
    Just a satisfied customer and have been for a long, long time.

    When I had my MGB ... all I ran was Quaker State 10/40 in it.
    I drove that MGB nearly 300,000 miles on it with only two rebuilds in its lifetime.
    Those were the fun days!
  6. spinalator

    spinalator Member

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    Ammo for the next salvo!

    I had this linked from about 5 or 6 years ago, and it may be out of date, but I (and my inner troll) will post this for your consumption, and look forward to your comments and stuff. This has not been updated since 2002 and was on a VFR site. The author is a retired oil chemist and motorcyclist. http://www.vfrworld.com/tex_vfr/tech/oil.htm

  7. SuperB

    SuperB New Member

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    being a newbie myself, when I went looking for oil I went with Yamalube. It was recommended by some friends and by a couple of mechanics. I also figured, hey my bikes a yamaha and this stuff is made by yamaha for their bikes, It may be a little more expensive but hey, my life depends on the bike so I was willing to fork over a little more. Thanks for the thread I enjoyed reading it.
  8. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Don't go to the Dealer for your Motor Oil.
    Yamaha isn't in the Oil Business.

    It's just the same oil you get in a Container without the packaging that allows the Dealer to charge you more for what you'd get if you bought it elsewhere in a bottle NOT having the Yamaha Brand affixed to the package.
  9. MiCarl

    MiCarl Active Member

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    Excellent article. Thanks for posting it.

    My Venture gets the WalMart SuperTech 2000 15w40. I'll probably use that in the XJ when the fall weather comes.

    FWIW I have two SUVs with over 150K miles. They always get the SuperTech oil. The car also gets SuperTech oil, but it only has 130K :lol: . I've never had an oil related problem.
  10. Old-Grunt

    Old-Grunt Member

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    There are a few that offer words of descent no matter what the topic is about.
    Every now and then, somebody gets outraged and tries to right the ship.

    Based on nearly 30 Years of experience running Castrol 20W/50 in a long list of different Makes and Models ... I never once had a Oil related issue with Castrol 20~50.

    I also reserve the right to be beyond skeptical of claims that anyone has after I just finish recommending it to newcomers to the Forum.

    I know the score.
    I keep score.
    There are a few who lie in wait to disagree with and tell me I'm full of it.
    Too bad they haven't anything better to do.[/quote]

    Ok great XJGOD I am sure this is directed at me,I take this ands your other post calling me a liar in your sneaky roundabout way as a personal attack!!!!I am also sure it is ok since you are a moderater!!!!
    Just for the record I have sent 2 emails asking to have my account deleated hopefully it will be soon,but since it hasnt yet I am going to speak my mind..
    Ol buddy Rick you need to crawl down off your high horse,if you are as great a mechanic as you say you are you will know sometimes crap happens,no reason no explanation crap just happens..I also challenge you or anyone else to go throgh all my posts and show where I am trying to rock the boat,I have had a differant idea or opinion then ol buddy rick a time or two but I guess I was wrong thinking this was a place to share,not worship the great XJGOD..
    No where did I say castroil was a bad oil,I said I had a problem with it once,I actually like thier oil and use it,nowhere did I recomend synthetic oil I made a factual but aparently not so well known fact about it!!!!!!!
    So sorry I hurt you your feelings super XJ master Rick!!!!!!

    I also PM'd super Rick but it apears rather then talk in PM's he would rather take anouther shot at me in the forum real classy ol buddy you are definatly showing me your true colors!!!!

    Robert,Woot you are both class acts so would one of you please deleat my account!!!I dont want anything to do with a forum where the moderater is a instagator then tries to act like the member is out of line!!!!!
  11. spinalator

    spinalator Member

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    Regina, CANADA
    Oil Threads never fail to disappoint.

    Old Grunt, take some happy juice and a week off from the forum and all will be well. I suggest 18 year old scotch, but after spending a year in Ireland, I have grown fond of some of the Irish stuff as well.

    You can leave if you want to, but no need to go away all angry and stuff. Geez,you are forgetting about rule number 1 in Internet Forums: Have a thick skin and don't assume everyone is an asshole, just because they type that way. :)
  12. sohowcome

    sohowcome New Member

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    A little to the south and left of Hell
    Is the Castrol 20w50 made for motorcycles specifically or for automobiles? Thanks for the info.

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