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To-Do List...Prioritized

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by jgb1503, May 5, 2009.

  1. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    Near Utica, NY
    Ok all,

    You guys (and gals) got me a bit nervous with all of this talk on rear brake lockups and front brakes not working that I am officially not going to ride my bike until I check both out. Its a 81 750 Seca that I just purchased from a guy who did ride it actively for about 300-500 miles a year for the past 4-5 years. I highly doubt he did anything w/ the brakes though....

    So.... That sucks, thanks a lot. First time I got back to riding in 10 years, and I only put 94 miles on her ;-P

    So how does this listing sound (from a safety angle and from a preventative angle)?

    --STOP RIDING-- (small whimper and some sobbing)
    -Complete rebuild/redo of front and rear brakes. With braided lines if I can afford them (moneys a wee bit tight)
    -While apart, check wheel bearings

    -START RIDING AGAIN- (and the crowd goes wild!)
    -Check valve clearances, replace gasket and rubber washers (small oil leak) and shim as needed
    -Rebuild carbs (already have all the new parts for a rebuild)
    -Replace carb boots (yes they are cracked through. I have some that I did up w/ liquid electrical tape that should work nicely)
    -Get everything sync'd up and pretty (already have yics tool, colortune, etc.)
    -Replace current petcock w/ one from chacal that is not vacuum fed (already have. no issues just as a precaution)
    -Replace fusebox (its solid, i checked, but again as a precaution)
    -Spin-on Oil Filter
    -Covert system over to LED (blinkers, tach, taillight, HID headlight etc..)
    -Install 12v power plug for GPS etc..

    Somewhere in there throw some saddlebags on, or at least mount up some ammo cans ;-)

    What everyone think? That a good order, anything major I am missing? I put everything other then the brakes after 'START RIDING' as she runs ok now (a little lean), so i don't see a safety risk from these tasks.

  2. bluepotpie

    bluepotpie Member

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    you forgot the last one... give it to me as a gift. :D
  3. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    Near Utica, NY

    I also forgot the very first one: Get wife's permission

  4. bigfitz52

    bigfitz52 Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    Rural SE Michigan 60 miles N of Motown
    Depending on the mileage on the bike, I'd move the valve clearance check up to the top part too, unless you know PO kept them up...
  5. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    Well, I just did a compression test and the dry numbers were ok and fairly close across the board. Is there a specific reason that might be a safety issue? (still a mechanical noob, but I learn quick ;-P )

    I did forget to add in a spin-on oil filter too, so i just updated that ;-)
  6. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    How important is it (from a safety standpoint) to check/flush the front fork oil (and the anti-dive) on this bike?
  7. jgb1503

    jgb1503 Member

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    Near Utica, NY

    So I got my rear brakes done - no problems. Well, one of the bolts sheered upon reassembly, but I was able to get it out and take a spare off of my parts bike, so that's all good.

    Quick question on that, do you have to re-torque the rear castlenut after a certain number of miles?

    Also, complete aside. I've read several dozen threads (if not more) on oil type and weight for the crankcase. But there seems to be a little back and forth on what is or isn't good. I've been riding around, temps ranging from 45+/- to 80+/-. I figured that I should probably use 20-40(50). I'm currently running 10-40 right now but my engine sounds almost tinny (could be my own perception, not sure). So I thought a little heavier oil might help.

    What does everyone think of this oil? Its a full synthetic, but is specifically says its good for wet clutches. Plus it states that it meets Jaso MA requirement's, which I've read is pretty much essential for a wet clutch.



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