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tranny question

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by rdsoxx, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. rdsoxx

    rdsoxx New Member

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    There is small hose fitting (part of the casting) on the transmission, on the right side. It is underneath and behind the right outside carb (not sure if that is the number 1 or number 4 cylinder). There is no hose hooked up to it. I just got this bike and am beginning the process of getting her running. can someone let me know what this fitting is for? i tried to upload a photo but i cant seem to get the size right.
  2. SecaMaverick

    SecaMaverick Active Member

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    What you're describing is the crankcase breather port. It normally connects to the stock airbox via a rubber hose.

    If you don't have the stock airbox (i.e., you're running pod filters), then you can run an aftermarket breather filter six inches or more from the port (and higher above the port is better than lower). Just be aware that you will probably see oil vapor wafting from it after reaching normal running temperature. I've found that the closer to the port the breather is, the more vapor you will see (YMMV).
  3. maverickbr77

    maverickbr77 Member

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    Lowville, New York
    SecaMaverick is correct about the crankcase breather.

    On the issue of the photos it is easier to upload them to a photo hosting site like photobucket and then just paste in the img code here.
  4. rdsoxx

    rdsoxx New Member

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    awesome - thank you. the stock air box is remove right now (and temporarily cracked!) so that is likely why i saw nothing attached. thanks guys.

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