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Virago 750

Discussion in 'Other Motorcycles' started by PICOTE, Jul 11, 2024.


    PICOTE New Member

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    Boas, sou novo no fórum e gostaria de saber por uma questão; tenho uma yamaha virago xv 750 de 1996 tem 30.000km e quando arranco com ela consigo meter a 1ª e de seguida todas as outras velocidades sem problema, após alguns quilómetros, se tiver que reduzir, consigo faze-lo até à 3ª... da 3ª para a 2ª não consigo engrenar...... será que já alguém teve este problema??
    agradecemos antecipadamente qualquer dica.
  2. Timbox

    Timbox Well-Known Member

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    Wisconsin, Tomah
    Welcome to the forum. I had to do a translation, but I hope I can help. I have not run into a shifting issue with the Virago's, starter yes, but not the shifting issues. I would check the oil, see if it is clean and also check the clutch play at the handle. Make sure that there is a little wiggle room and that the clutch is engaging and disengaging as needed. Guess that a good oil change might help this out as well.

    Hope this helps and welcome to the forum.

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