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Windshield Windscreen Yamaha XJ650 Maxim

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by craiygxj, Apr 21, 2017.

  1. craiygxj

    craiygxj Member

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    Anyone ever put anything a bit larger than a Slipstreamer spitfire or hellfire windscreen on an XJ650 Maxim? Aside from the opposite end of the spectrum with fairings, most of the conversation seems to be about these smaller sporty windscreens. I am taking a 8,000-10,000 mile trip on an '82 XJ650 maxim and have been looking at getting a larger windshield, specifically the National Cycle Plexistar 2 or the Slipstreamer Original S-03. Right now the National Cycle is my top choice, but wanted to reach out to the XJ community to see if anyone has experience with how these bigger shields fit and feel on the XJ650. Photos would be even better.

    Definitely not looking to dive into any type of fairing, just want something for this particular trip that will make a memorable ride that much more enjoyable.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
  2. hogfiddles

    hogfiddles XJ-Wizard, Host-Central NY Carb Clinic Moderator Premium Member

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    Anything that cuts the wind strain out, and lessens the chance of stones bouncing off your face will be welcome. Get it early enough to be able to spend time fine-tuning just how you want it set.
    Lightcs1776 and Toomanybikes like this.
  3. cgutz

    cgutz Well-Known Member

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    I have something similar the Slipstreamed on my XJ550. Works great for over road.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2017
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  4. craiygxj

    craiygxj Member

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    More importantly, would like to hear from the "ride in the full elements" without the windscreen corner
  5. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    Having beeen there, and done that. Not having a windscreen makes a full day ride very tiring. You're always going to be doing more work to keep yourself upright against the wind on a standard motorcycle without a windscreen.
    If you are like me and try to start out early in the morning to avoid commuters, you will find that the effective temperature at speed is really, really, really cold (even in the summer). A windscreen helps with that. It's also nice to not have bugs slamming into your chest, and clean air hitting your faceshield instead of rain.
    cgutz and Stumplifter like this.
  6. craiygxj

    craiygxj Member

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    Do you find the shield being in your vision a pain ever? Not sure how high up the National Cycle Plexistar 2 will come up on my xj650j. Do worry that on a long trip the dirt, dust, and bugs will start to make things hard to see...then again, they wont be on my face or goggles.
  7. craiygxj

    craiygxj Member

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    Was hoping to hear from someone who knows heat. Have done some pretty big rides on this bike before in all kinds of elements, never had a windscreen. That being said, could have certainly used one at times. But....those times I didn't need one were probably because it was the best riding conditions. Just haven't been able to decide if it'll take away from being out on the open road on the bike...could very well be my inexperience talking. Seems like a can't have it both ways scenario, when you need it you really need it and when you don't need it oh well. Can't hurt to be a little less exhausted at the end of each day on a month long journey.

    This will be a mostly camping trip so early rise and ride will be a must. I do know well how cold it can be in the morning. But as I mentioned heat initially, my buddy who got me into the XJs said "you won't want one, not on that bike". When I asked him to back up his statement he just said he knows I can handle some cold and when it is hot, it'll be crazy hot with a screen on there.
  8. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    Have you noticed my location?

    The windscreeen is welcome in the heat too. After the air temprature rises above your average skin temperature (93ºF), you want to keep the air off of your skin.
    It will not be crazy hot with a windscreen on.

    Some hot-weather riding tips from experts: Long-Distance Riding in Hot Weather - Iron Butt Association
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
  9. craiygxj

    craiygxj Member

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    Actually wrote "was hoping to hear from someone who knows heat" implying that I was happy you specifically commented. Almost followed it with (as clearly you know heat, based solely on location), forget things are not so easily implied with text.

    All I needed to hear, found a Plexistar 2 and model # for the "Yamaha cruisers" and the at National Cycle site confirmed that for an XJ650J.

    Will get it on there early as Dave suggested for adjustments. Seems to fit very well on these bikes, am hoping it's solid. Need to finish up putting the original 4-to-2 exhaust system on.

    Any advice on being in open areas w/ wind gust? Other situations a rider with experience has come across with a windscreen of this size out on the road?

    Picked up a copy of Proficient Motorcycle (by David Hough) and have been getting pretty into reading that to get excited for the upcoming trip. A pretty solid read for $9, some classic stuff and very useful timeless information about riding and trips of any kind. Always great to hear experience-based feedback from riders, hopefully us up-and-coming riders can keep the quality of riding alive going forward.

    As always, appreciate the feedback.
    Stumplifter and k-moe like this.
  10. k-moe

    k-moe Pie, Bacon, Bourbon. Moderator Premium Member

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    English, the silliest of languages.

    I would like to add that I ride with a Slipsreamer (modified) and have never wished that it were smaller, but often wished that I had something a bit larger. My friend's Virago has the factory fairing, and it's an absolute pleasure to ride in all sorts of weather.

    In gusty winds (a constant around here) you want to pay attention to where the wind is coming from, and stick the knee that's on that side out. It will act like a sail and help to counter the push from the wind. Don't overreact when correcting for a gust, and don't ride tense. You will need to use a bit more force to keep in control, but the physice of how the bike steers does not change; that front wheel needs to be able to self-correct, and tensly gripping the bars is counter-productive.

    The other big thing is to know when it's just better to park and wait. Gusts over 30 MPH are difficult (and tiring) to deal with, and anything over 40 MPH is outright stupid to ride in.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
    craiygxj and Stumplifter like this.
  11. cgutz

    cgutz Well-Known Member

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    Over the road I always put my windshield on as wind blast is tiring and dehydrating. (I look over the top of the windscreen so there is no vision obstruction).

    In my small town I never exceed 35mph so my summer driving is without windsheild to keep cooler, and the bike also looks cooler . Since I don't go on long trips anymore, the windsheild is off most of the summer.
    craiygxj likes this.

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