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Xj are great

Discussion in 'Hangout Lounge' started by Fongdingo, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. Fongdingo

    Fongdingo Member

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    Charlottesville VA
    So im riding the other day and got cought in the rain, pull over to a gas station to wait it out and there are 3 harleys parked doing the same thing. We got to talking about how crazy we are to be riding in the rain, and i loked even moor crazy because i have no rain gear on and they do. Well they look at my bike and and ask if it a yamaha maximum, i reply yes it is. at the same time all three riders commet on what a great and solid running bikes they are. it just made me smile that a harley rider would say that, and i could not help to think why arnt they riding one too, i guess they love to fix there machines. Makes me happy to be the owner of a xj.
  2. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    Beaver Falls, PA
    not to take anything away from your complement, but a Harley rider can say that about any Jap bike :)
  3. lostboy

    lostboy Well-Known Member

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    Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada
    Same here, Any motorbike lifestyle is better than a Harly lifestyle!
  4. kevineleven

    kevineleven Member

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    Did you return the compliments, and point out how the rain just beads off of the oil puddle they are leaving on the ground?
  5. geebake

    geebake Member

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    I read these things all the time. Harley guys don't give us the time of day..... da da da da.

    Here are some 'Harley guys' complimenting an XJ and being pleasant and all you guys can do is make fun of them! I don't get it.

    The world's big enough for every kind of bike!

    My Harley (while nearly 20 years old) is very reliable.

    I have 5 XJs and love them all but I'm kind of fond of my Harley too.
    And I've had to spend plenty of time wrenching on those metric nuts and bolts too.

    Can't we all just get along?

  6. Scrape

    Scrape Member

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    Times are changing and we see a hole lot of riders crossing old lines in the sand. I think a whole lot of it is the desensitizing of people toward the auto industry where nothing is 100% American or Japanese anymore. Big business has conglomerated across national borders and countries have interests and capitol investments on each others soil. Many people who own HD motorcycles are not buying into old cliché's and stereotypical demeanor toward other bikers who don't own them anymore. We use to be considered traitors and not supporting our country. I use to laugh at some of the losers I saw flying the American flag on their HD bikes like they were so patriotic. In reality they were the hoods and scum that trashed any kind of decency that America is proud of. HD groups showcased their war vets in pictures like a poster child to give them credibility. It was all a big joke and glorification of something that was far from the truth. People flocked to buy HD bikes so they could get a piece of that "bad boy" and "patriotic" image like it really made a difference and changed or hid who they really were in reality. The whole thing is juvenile and a bike does not reflect or make the person who rides them into something else. The only thing that you can give a person credit for with the bike they own is maybe being foolish for buying and paying too much for junk...that's all!
  7. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    Massachusetts, Billerica
    Bad day at the office, Scrape?

    My mother rides a Harley with two American Flags attached to the big rear case.

    She's a nurse and spends all day in an Inner-city Free Clinic singing lullabies to vibrating crack babies before going out and offering blankets to former Dot.com investors who lost everything they had, including their trophy wives and their dignity.
  8. Scrape

    Scrape Member

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    Creedmoor, North Carolina
    If I were to have guessed what your Mother was like RickCo, it would be just as she is. I can tell by how you post that you came from a good, decent and solid family that cares about people and anything that's good in this world. People from all walks of life own HD bikes today and can't be categorized or put into a box like the days of old. Times are definitely changing and it is for the better. It's good to see most bikers getting along in todays world regardless of what they choose to ride or for what reason.
  9. kevineleven

    kevineleven Member

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    I have nothing against any bike rider, but if you knew me on a personal level, you'd quickly find that I'm the first to make cheap stabs at any and everything. Harleys and their jockeys seem easy prey, their (and their bike's) reputations preceed them. In short, I'm an a**hole, and if you don't realize I am trying to make a joke or get a rise out of someone 90% of the time, then I'll probably offend you sooner than later, too. A jew, a catholic and a polock walk into a Harley dealership...

    ***Edited by Robert, please mind the language!***
  10. Ease

    Ease Member

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    What's so bad about a v-twin?
    I'll be buying a (used) harley someday. Most likely when the 1200 Sporty NIGHTSTER is a few years old... and therefore affordable.
    Won't be selling my XJ for it, but I won't say I didn't consider it last year -when I was offered a 1200 sportster for $4000 (guy was getting a divorce).
  11. Polock

    Polock Well-Known Member

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    Beaver Falls, PA
  12. Robert

    Robert Active Member

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    I'll second the sentiments, it's not what you ride but how you walk. If you ride, you get points in my book. If you spit on the flag (anyones flag!) you lose points. Decency should be the measure, not what you wear or ride. Right (or ride, your choice) on, I'm with Polock.
  13. RickCoMatic

    RickCoMatic Well-Known Member

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    I was just poking Scrape with a "Sarcastic stick."
    My mom passed-on some time ago. She never owned or rode a bike her whole life.

    I think the sarcasm I added to the soup wasn't needed. Although, I only meant to get a rise from Scrape ... I forgot about the very public aspect to these Threads and would have been better-off making my reply to Scrape a Private Message.

    I doubt all Harley riders are low-life's. Sure, there are some that do show their displeasure for those who aren't "They're kind."

    I just leave 'em alone. Sooner or later their nastiness catches-up with them, one way or another.

    At the end of the day ... they park that Big bike and their motorcycle fun is done.
    We get to come-in "Our Meeting Place", here ... and, keep having a good time for as long as we want!
  14. mr_ex

    mr_ex Member

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    maine usa
    a hog might be a harley...but...a biker is a biker
    no matter what he or she drives....
    we all ride for the same reasons.

    and just for the record.....try out an 04 or newer hog and yu will be pleasantly surprised.....very nice bikes now.....and very reliable...plus they "hold" their value. :p :p
  15. gitarzan

    gitarzan Member

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    Columbus Ohio
    Let them think their bike is the best just as we think our's is great. Any biker not proud of his ride is a bum or a frustrated snob.

    I don't ride a Harley because they cost too much, and I always have seemed to try to avoid the mainstream desires. It's the same reason that I'd never wanted a Corvette (even if I could afford one), I'd rather drive a Miata.
  16. Scrape

    Scrape Member

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    Creedmoor, North Carolina
    Now RickCo...the only way you would get a rise out of me is if you were some hot redhead of the feline species. :lol: I am deffo old enough to know that most things in life have their exceptions and will prove one wrong. We can't even classify animals without having the Platypus as an exception to the rule or mammals cohabiting in the ocean with the amphibians. That's why human kind invented statistics, so the cream will float to the top of an issue as a recognizable majority of substantial quantity. There are all kinds of people in the world and each one being unique in many ways. But one thing that sets us apart, for classification purposes in hypothesis, is the reasons for why we buy certain bikes. I'm just poking fun but...when I see a biker riding down the road with:--->I think

    (1) A dual sport w/ milk crate lashed on the back----> McGuiver/geek

    (2) Crotch rocket with matching leathers and helmet---->cutesy pie/pretty boy

    (3) Touring bike with added lighting/audio accessories...gizzies---->old retired geezer/family man

    (4) Moped---->boozer/lush

    (5) Vintage Honda chopper w/ rusty headers--->redneck/kept under a tarp behind the trailer

    (6) Yamaha Vmax---->man among men

    (7) Non-American cruiser---->just one of the boyz

    (8 ) Any vintage non-American bike----> 8) dude/dudess

    (9) HD with leather vest and colors on the back w/ black tee shirt that has a favorite saloon or Harley shop printed on it----> follower/not independant...loser...scum of the earth...small pee pee syndrom...immature...foolish...brain cell defficient

    (10) New HD with black tee shirt and leather tassel thingies hanging off the handle bars---->wannabee

    (11) Vintage Yamaha...such as an XJ, all pimped out and running like a Swiss watch---->Normal and well adjusted individual, knows bikes and loves to turn a wrench for self-accomplishment and personal benefit, good citizen and a trusting sort of person, caring and helpful, knows a good deal when they see it and is not sucked into hype and overpriced junk.

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