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XJ700X cam tensioner and valve adjustment

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by xxxKuTxxx, May 24, 2020.

  1. xxxKuTxxx

    xxxKuTxxx Member

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    Hi. I am confused about how to remove cam chain tensioner and I don't want to mess it up. In service manual for engine disassembly, it says "loosen cam chain tensioner end plug. Remove cam chain tensioner assembly", is it as simple as to loosen the big bolt and then unscrew two small ones? Do I have to keep something in mind when doing this? Also, to remove cam shafts, all I have to do is remove cam tensioner, mark exhaust and intake sprocket alignment with chain, keep the tension on chain when pulling it up and fastening it so that it does not fall in? And another question: on firing plate, PO has removed stationary pointer and have not put it back. Is the pointer aimed at the center of timing plate from the center of its mounting hole, or could it be somewhat to the side? I have turned engine manually having a straw in the spark plug hole and watching knuckles point outward when the straw is at the top to find out top end of piston, I guess this is the closest I can get to top end center without having proper way to do it. All intake valves don't have any clearance, so I guess I'll have to buy many bucket shims... Only 2 exhaust valves were within proper specs. Plus my spark plugs rust like crazy on the right side, is there any fast way to clean the drain channel which is probably full of rust and isht by now?
  2. Timbox

    Timbox Well-Known Member

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    Wisconsin, Tomah
    Yes on the chain tensioner, that easy. Yes on the chain once you remove all the bolts holding the cam down. As for the pointer I will have to look for some pics for you not too sure. I am sure someone will be along with some pics to help.

    Yes those little cap shims will cost you. As for the drain channel, making sure nothing will get into the cylinder, used compressed air and maybe the end of a tie wrap or wire to clean out those channels. Good luck.

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