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XJ700X Spitting fuel directly into airbox

Discussion in 'XJ Technical Chat' started by Pacocase, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. Pacocase

    Pacocase Member

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    I was in a car accident last summer, and was unable to ride or do much of anything for about 6 months. The bike sat for all this time and over the winter, but I neglected to put fuel stabilizer in and now I'm paying the price for improperly storing her.

    When cranking, fuel shoots directly into the airbox, starving the carbs. If it sits for a while, I'm thinking the bowls are filling back up because it will start and run and even idle for about 20 seconds until presumably the usable fuel is burned up and then the engine shuts off. I'm hoping the carbs are relatively clean on the insides and that I can just fix whatever is causing the fuel dump into the airbox. Has anyone seen this behavior before? I haven't torn it apart yet. I'm just looking for suggestions before I do.


  2. macros10

    macros10 Member

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    Newport News, Virginia
    Bad Petcock maybe? Letting the fuel run into the carbs too much? But I've read that the floats are usually messed up for fuel to get into the oil. Have you sniffed your oil cap/hole to see if the crankcase smells like gas also? Mine is so I've been reading about it some. Good luck!
  3. Pacocase

    Pacocase Member

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    I haven't sniffed the crankcase hole yet, but I can clearly see when I crank the engine that fuel dumps directly into the airbox. I didn't get a chance to take it apart this weekend, but maybe this week and hopefully once I get it apart everything will be obvious.
  4. SLKid

    SLKid Active Member

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    Troy, Va (Charlottesville)
    Ok you are going to have to stop what you're doing and actually take her apart. You could VERY well have gas in your oil which would NOT be good if she actually gets warmed up. You're gonna hurt her if you dont take care of her. I'd hate to see an X get tossed.
    Sounds like 2 things
    Leaky petcock, common issue. Take the line going from the petcock nipple to the carbs off and see if shes leaking fuel in the ON position. Fuel should only FLOW in the PRI.
    If so, start with a petcock rebuild. If that doesnt new, go for a ON OFF petcock from Chacal
    Your float needles are sticking!
    The absence of fuel stabilizer has clogged your carbs!! It becomes like jelly in the carb bowls gumming up EVERYTHING. The gas has no where to go except through the boots and overflows, resulting in going into your airbox RESULTING in gas going in your oil!!
    Change your oil! Youre supposed to anyway for the winter
    Clean your carbs!!!
    Sounds like you need to anyway

  5. Pacocase

    Pacocase Member

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    It was a really nice day today and I spent it going out and getting parts and fresh oil. Tomorrow I'll tear everything down, drain the oil and clean like crazy! She never has warmed up, so I don't think anything has been permanently damaged yet. I'll post back and let you know how it goes!

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