Title: What the HE!! was THAT??
Description: Sudden, instant power increase...
89PathSE - April 26, 2005 11:44 PM (GMT)
Howdy!... my first time posting. I have an '82 XJ750 Maxim that I got from a friend last week. I've never owned a bike before... got it for a daily driver to keep from spending gas money @ 18mpg in my truck. Its got 33350 miles on it... very good condition, always garaged... but it sat for years. The last person to ride it, in fact, was me... 2 years ago when we got it out one summer day just to let it run a while.
Anyhow, the bike hasn't run very well lately. It didn't want to start, or keep running very well, even with full choke. In fact, it would usually die, even when warm, if you took it off choke. So today... I took it out in the park. It would pretty much fall on its butt at anything above 5k rpm. Below 5k, it was pretty much fine... but didn't idle real well. I kept on opening it up real hard through 1st gear... and it kept on missfiring and running bad above 5k rpm. It felt as if it was only running on 2 or 3 cyls above 5k. Then all the sudden, while full throttle @ 5k in 1st gear... it coughed real hard, gurgle, pop, gurgle POP!!.... and it was as if somebody flipped a switch!! It took off like a bat out of hell!!! It INSTANTLY had TWICE the power it had just SECONDS before. What the hell was that all about!!?? Anybody got any ideas? I'm thinking it had a clogged main jet or two. And the new gas, and most of a can of sea-foam soaking for a couple days did the trick. I have no idea. Anyhow, I just wanted to tell you all about my success... haven't stoped smiling in 2 hrs now. :D
Luna3 - April 27, 2005 12:29 PM (GMT)
If it sat with gas in it your carbs were likely gummed up. And if you ran it with the choke open for some time your plugs are fouled. Sounds like you need to do some maintence anyway. Good luck!
chevy45412001 - April 27, 2005 02:18 PM (GMT)
that would be the seafoam doing it's thing. I had same results with an old snowmobile with like symptoms. Thats the day i came to believe in seafoam,its majic. I also would suggest a tune up ,plugs air filter,etc. etc. good luck and enjoy :D
89PathSE - April 28, 2005 04:52 AM (GMT)
I love SeaFoam... this was the first time I've ever heard of it/used it... I'm using it exclusively from now on! I had the SeaFoam SUPER concentrated... half tank of 4-year-old gas... ENTIRE bottle of seafoam (fully understanding the temporary side effects of the high concentration). I knew the carbs were in desperate need of cleaning after sitting in my friends garage for almost 3 YEARS!! I will continue to run concentrated solutions of Seafoam for the next couple tanks full of gas. I've been running the HELL out of it in hopes that I continue to de-gunk the carbs/engine. I will also pull off the air box and use the spray-type seafoam to coat the carbs/valves top to bottom several times. Any use in pulling the exhaust off to coat the back sides of the exhaust valves? And, yes, I plan on a full tune up soon as I finish "cleaning." What kind of plugs do you all use... NGK?
I have another question. I have a Vance&Hines pipe (4-into-1, megaphone style). I doubt if the carbs were ever re-jetted after the pipe. I am also highly considering the individual K&N filters. Anyone have any experience with them? I know it'll need jetted after the K&Ns... approximately how much does it cost for a professional cleaning/balancing/jetting/ect of the carbs after I get the K&Ns? What would you do?
Does anyone have origonal headlights/front turn signals that they want to sell? My bike has a Windjammer fairing that I'm not entirely fond of (though it has its uses)... I'd like to switch back to the stock front setup if anyone wants to sell their lights.
Does/did anyone make any advanced engine/transmission parts for the XJ750?... such as cams/heads/pistons/rods/ect?
89PathSE - May 4, 2005 11:14 PM (GMT)
HOLY CRAP!!... this thing keeps getting better and BETTER!! :D
I was out riding it today and it did it AGAIN!!... I think it unclogged ANOTHER carb!! Good greif! ...full throttle in 1st gear out in the back of the park... cough sputter, POP!... front tire came 10" off the ground before I had enough sense to take my hand out of the throttle!! I knew these old XJ's were fast, but GEEZE! I thought I got them all cleaned out the other day with the previous "pop, gurgle, POP!"... apperantly I had another cyl not firing correctly... well its firing now!!
I have been continually using the Seafoam... put another entire bottle of it with another fresh tank of gas (yes I know, very concentrated). I ran the HELL out of it for about an hour. It was very warm day... and the engine was quite hot, which I think helped dislodge whatever was clogged/stuck. I thought it was running pretty good yesterday, I was wrong... NOW its running pretty good. It will now run perfectly fine with no choke, almost immediately even on a cold start. As it gets warm, it idles rock steady at 1100 rpm... but as it gets continually hotter, the rpms will climb way up to 3k rpm, and tends to hunt arround back and fourth every 20-30 seconds. I understand its the YICS... No big deal... just glad to have it hitting on all 4 now. Anyways, I just wanted to give an update with the Seafoam treatment... magic!
thefox - May 5, 2005 01:21 AM (GMT)
Sounds good, I heard of SeaFoam just this last winter and after reading how much you like it I will have to try it.
davidjrmy - May 19, 2005 01:49 PM (GMT)
Glad to hear the bike is starting to run so well for you. As far as the headlight and turn signals go I would check on ebay. I might be interested in some of your fairing if you would be willing to part with it. I have a couple problems with mine and it is damn near impossible to find parts for it.