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Xjowners > Tech Talk

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  1. Pinned: XJOWNERS forum migrating to XJBIKES.COM!
  2. high rpm!!
  3. What does the clutch switch do.
  4. 82 maxim 400 won't start
  5. 650-750 differences
  6. carb rebuild kits?
  7. Rear Suspension upgrade for my 650 maxim
  8. motor swap
  9. Please Help
  10. Plug wires
  11. BARRRGHHHH !!! Clutch AGAIN
  12. Front master cyl rebuild kit
  13. model designation, how to tell?
  14. An old 'note to self' about the Kenda Challenger
  15. i'm an idiot
  16. xj 700 intake boots
  17. Oil leak from where tacho cable joins engine...
  18. Where to get the XJ CD?
  19. oil level check
  20. batt sensor
  21. Ideas please
  22. Getting my bike running right - newbie questions
  23. carbs
  24. Cam chain tensioner
  25. seca cables shorter than maxim cables?
  26. Running Cold
  27. bigger better?
  28. key switch
  29. Rear shock absorbers
  30. Front Brakes Rubbing
  31. xj700 chain drive
  32. Air Leak
  33. First carb sync (long)
  34. Valve adjustment
  35. 81 82 carbs?
  36. xj700...
  37. xj700 wiring
  38. Steering bearings?
  39. Fuel mixture
  40. Dumb question
  41. No spark?
  42. Grab Bar??
  43. RTV
  44. First ride in 2 years
  45. Blue boxes
  47. Starter Question
  48. Spark plugs
  49. can u count...?
  50. XJ 900 Seca sidestand

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