Title: Dumb question
Description: oil filter
oomis - November 18, 2005 01:18 AM (GMT)
I have what might be the dumbest question ever. I don't have the manual and don't have the CD (yet) and so I'm trying to change the oil filter. Is it in the case at the front of the engine, just behind the header pipes? If that's it, how the *&^% do I get it out of the case? The bolt that I remove seems to spin freely, but won't come out of the case and the filter (if that's what it is in there) doesn't want to come out. Any thoughts?
BlueMaxim - November 18, 2005 01:51 AM (GMT)
Nope, not dumb at all. Yes it is the small case in the front behind the header pipes. The bolt will turn and turn but will eventually come loose. It will not most times come out of the case due it being held in by orings. Once the bolt is loose the case will drop away and turning it to the side will allow it past the pipes. Then remove the old oil filter and install the new one. Note that the filter has an indented side which goes toward the main engine case. Some filters are marked "front" so that will go toward the front of the filter case. Some filters also come with new orings so replace them also. You will see which go where by their size.
oomis - November 18, 2005 02:27 AM (GMT)
Hmm...ok, that's good news, thanks very much. So my issue is that the filter won't come out of the case (I guess it's been there a while), but I guess I'll find a way to just tear it out. Will that cause me any additional headaches?
winterhawk - November 18, 2005 03:59 AM (GMT)
Be sure not to throw away the washer that rides between the filter and spring. It will stick to the rubber sometimes.
MIXJ700 - November 18, 2005 07:45 PM (GMT)
If you have the cover off, just grab the filter by the center hole and pull it free. you may need to wiggle it a bit, but it will just pop out!
chump188 - November 19, 2005 06:15 AM (GMT)
Also, make sure that you re-assemble everything just like when you took it off. Make sure the o-ring is seated and the filter and case are facing the right direction. The first time I changed mine it looked right, but as soon as I fired the bike up, all the oil poured all over my garage floor. The o-ring wasn't seated right. Good luck.
JBCahill - November 21, 2005 05:58 AM (GMT)
I will add the following:
No dumb questions - that's why we're all here - ask and answer other XJ fans.
All you've read so far is correct. Don't be hesitant to go through the steps, and just pay attention to how it was positioned before removal.
And in reassambling, hold the filter cup flush against the engine mount in order to properly compress the spring and seat the o-ring. Failing to do so caused me to have only a mostly-tightened filter, which leaked and required a do-over.
It took ma a long time to get my filter bolt loosened the first time I removed it, and then it took two tries to seat it properly on replacement.
Don't feel bad...
laskey - November 23, 2005 07:43 PM (GMT)
That's my problem I can't get that bolt to move. I've got a replacement bolt, because I'm afraid I'm going to destroy it to get it out. I'm wondering if anyone ever changed the oil in this bike before I got it. Anyone got any tips for un-sticking this bolt?
JBCahill - November 23, 2005 08:23 PM (GMT)
I sprayed mine with wd 40, then rustoleum, gumout, and everything else I could think of to loosen it chemically. Then I tapped at it with a ballpeen hammer carefully.
I carefully heated it with a lighter, to see if expanding something would help, later I tried cooling it with ice...
None of that really helped, as far as I could tell. What did seem to help was getting a socket wrench that fit on a bigger ratchet, so that I had more leverage. Then it was surprisingly easy.
I don't think there's anything internal that could have rusted it shut so bad, so hopefully, it's just a tool issue.
Good luck.
winterhawk - November 25, 2005 07:28 AM (GMT)
Start off with a six point socket. If it rounds off stick weld a large nut on it and it will come right off.
MIXJ700 - November 25, 2005 02:02 PM (GMT)
Try a impact driver with a 6 point socket then try a larger wrench with a six point socket. It is all leverage.