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Title: Please Help

yzf41 - December 29, 2005 04:54 AM (GMT)
This is my first post on the site and I'm impressed with the knowledge on this board about street bikes. So maybe I can get some much needed help. I bought my first steet bike to restore. Really all I know is that it is a 1981 XJ750R with the vehicle identification numbers 5G2-000164. I'm trying to get an engine for it but I don't know if it is a seca or a max, and I've had no luck in finding out. I really can go no further without the info. So any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

dcmilkwagon - December 29, 2005 06:07 AM (GMT)
Hi YZF41, I'm new to the restoration process myself, but according to the Yamaha Service Manual (factory) 5G2-****** designates your bike as a 750 Seca model. And anyone else correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that the 650, 700 and the 750 are all interchangeable motors on this frame. I'm not sure about the 650 turbo. You should be able to pickup an engine for it on e-bay pretty cheap. Get a good manual and have fun. :D


yzf41 - December 29, 2005 06:00 PM (GMT)
Thanks dcmilkwagon. That helps out alot. Thanks for your time and info.


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