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Title: oil level check
Description: sidewindow question

snaphook - July 5, 2005 09:04 PM (GMT)

What is the correct position to check the oil level in the side window? On it's kickstand or with the bike straight up/center stand?

I also plan on changing the oil because I'm not sure when the previous owner had it done.... where do you get your filters from/what kind do you usually get etc...

Still trying to get an owners manual.....


snaphook - July 5, 2005 09:19 PM (GMT)
ok looks like there were a few posts I missed that addressed the oil level subject.

thanks again

KTA - July 6, 2005 04:47 AM (GMT)
Yeah, this has been brought up several times.

With the bike upright the oil should be 1/2 way up the window or a little higher.

OzXJ - December 14, 2005 10:14 AM (GMT)
Sorry to drag up an old thread but i'm a bit confused by this side window oil level checker thingo.

I just replaced the oil last night with the required 2200 cm3 (i.e 2.2L or 2.3quarts) as stamped on the gearbox. The oil level when the bike is stopped (warm or cold) on the centre stand is to the top of the window, and when the bike is running the level is at the bottom of the window. Does that sound about right?

How do you guys read your oil level accurately using the side window?

woot - December 14, 2005 10:36 AM (GMT)

I just re-read my manual - on some bikes you read the oil level holding the bike upright, on others you do it on the center stand.

For us - accoriding to page 64 ( of the 650 maxim manual) you should place the bike on the center stand on level ground. The level should be between the top and bottom of the window.

Personally I aim for just over the middle - but hey somewhere in there.

When the engine is running I can't see anything either - that's because you check the oil level with all of the oil sitting at the bottom of the engine. When the engine is runing, the oil is thrown all over the place to keep thing lubricated and the only oil at the bottom is just waiting to bo back through the system...

Yours sounds good to me.

oh and my book says a periodic oil change is 2.65 litres and with a filter replacement 2.95. I personally don't measure it - I just watch the glass... I put in ~3 litres... spin the rear tire over by hand. Do a dance, fire it up for a few seconds and let it sit. If it looks right when I come back I'm done! :)

woolsac - December 14, 2005 02:14 PM (GMT)
Dennis Kirk is a pretty good site to order parts off of. Here is a link to oil filters:

jdrich48 - December 14, 2005 02:57 PM (GMT)
QUOTE (snaphook @ Jul 5 2005, 04:04 PM)

What is the correct position to check the oil level in the side window? On it's kickstand or with the bike straight up/center stand?

I also plan on changing the oil because I'm not sure when the previous owner had it done.... where do you get your filters from/what kind do you usually get etc...

Still trying to get an owners manual.....


As for the owners manual your looking for , just buy the xjcd. It has owners manual- service manual, and lots of other tips & tricks

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