Succesfully changed the oil filter (K&N) and oil (the recommended 2.2 Litres) last night and test rode it. All went well however I have I have an oil leak which comes out along the tacho cable from the motor and drips on the exhaust header. It looks like the leak has been there for a while because of the rusty stain on the pipe. Has anyone else experienced this? And what have you done to fix it? Is there an O-ring that i'm missing perhaps. The bike is not over-full with oil and there is no oil residue in the air box. There are no other leaks...
Thanks in advance!
I had that a bit too - I just snugged it up and lived with it... doesn't seem to let much volume out at all.
Cheers woot, i thought it might be a common problem. I dug up the parts guide for it so I might as well replace the o-ring and oil seal and see if that helps:
I had the same problem on my GS1100. I removed the cable and found that the oil seal was shot, but also there was a groove and/or rust on the shaft turning inside it. I pulled the shaft and buffed it shiny, pressed in a new seal and that was that.