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Title: model designation, how to tell?

2fast - December 6, 2005 04:23 AM (GMT)
I have an 82 XJ650 Maxim, vin #JYA5N8009CA024183
Is there a list anywhere that tells me what model I have. When I try to look up parts there are XJ650J, and RJ, etc. and I have no idea what I have beyond 82 650 Maxim.

jdrich48 - December 6, 2005 09:38 AM (GMT)
From looking at the xjcd. You have a XJ650J Maxim. Your serial# is about 1000 off from mine. If you don't have a copy of the xjcd yet. It is a very valuable tool. I'd suggest getting a copy. It includes parts list, owners manual, service manual, and lots of tips and tricks. Lots of useful info.

woot - December 6, 2005 10:58 AM (GMT)
I have an xj650 Maxim.

Mine is a H model - the H is the year. The 1980 maxim is the G bike.

The other letter 'R' might stand for replica or race... it's the Seca version. The 1982 Seca is then an RJ. ( I beleive they skipped the vowels )

I'm not sure about the turbo model - but I think it is designated an L or something... Have to look in my book for that one.

Off to work

2fast - December 7, 2005 06:22 PM (GMT)
Thanks, that helps. Would the "J" Woot refers to be the J at the beginning of my Vin #?

woot - December 7, 2005 06:32 PM (GMT)
I'm not sure it is in the VIN - what I do know is that it is in the official model number...

XJ650G ( is a 1980 Maxim 650)
XJ650H ( is a 1981 Maxim 650)
XJ650RJ ( is a 1982 Seca 650)

Did you say you had an 1982 Maxim 650?

Well then - you want parts for a XJ650J ( NO R - that's for the Seca )

1980 - G
1981 - H
1982 - J
1983 - K
1984 - L ?? ( not sure they used L - trying to remember turbo code )
1985 - M

HEY - try this on for size!

and this:

inkpen - December 24, 2005 04:21 AM (GMT)
Mine doesn't fit then.

I have a 1980 Maxim 650, but the serial number does not fit into any of the sequences described here, or on the link page you provided above. Mine is


None of the serials I've seen have an 8 after the h part. So...where am I? G? J? Other?

It's Christmas Eve tomorrow, there's snow on the ground here, but its warmed up from -10c to about +1c. I'm goin' riding to finish my Christmas Shopping!

MacMcMacmac - December 24, 2005 08:08 AM (GMT)

According to the first number, you have a 1982 XJ650J

From the CD:

Frame Numbers:

5N8-000101 - 050000



Built for the US market.

According to the cd, you have a 1980 XJ650G, built for the Canadian market.

Number range:
4H8-000101 - 100000



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